I still didn't fix my wifi-card, it's broken since a week, but I was too lazy to fix it and rather went to the gym and continued building the treehouse.


P.S. I also find it annoying that you can't see reports anymore. They were like toribash-news to me.
Last edited by Gambi; Aug 21, 2016 at 05:43 AM.
I fixed my wifi-card so I'll win the Sparkido event with Boap now, right Boap? We gotta play together before I go to the gym, right? No?

Yeah we are currently finishing the second floor on the tree house, going to build the roof after that, expand the first floor and then build the walls..
Last edited by Gambi; Aug 21, 2016 at 05:09 PM.
I could post "ay lmao" on a daily basis to make this clan look more active, because nobody responds here anyway xD