Originally Posted by RRDube420 View Post
Ye same but its been giving me more of a reason to play toribash on end so its okay, would like to see you in game a little more tho bro

Im spectating alot ingame. Usually found me in betting servers etc.
hello new allies i'm a big donger, if you guys ever wanna chat, feel free to come to my discord, clan page, or private message, i'll try to chat here as much as i can! (my discord is on my clan page)
GOOOD!!!!! idle still not in WAPOW <3 this makes me happy
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, and when I play I will kill you. :) See you then <3
Originally Posted by iSea View Post
GOOOD!!!!! idle still not in WAPOW <3 this makes me happy

That's mean.
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only

Originally Posted by iSea View Post
GOOOD!!!!! idle still not in WAPOW <3 this makes me happy

you know man
you are one of the most annoying people in this chat
i wonder why they still allow you to post here
Lmao. That post made me giggle. We all know wapow loves me for my WAPOW! posts.
Anyways how you guys been.
your all special, just like every one else ; )
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White