I say yes, as long as he learns how to type proper sentences.
He seems cool.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
So hard to time and use the mouse. My arms and core hurts so much!!!! )):

"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Originally Posted by danballl View Post
well its just that i tried to come up with a idea that could cover me in one,airtight paragraph.and then a infomercial came on the tv,and my subconscious went wild.
so therefore i just wrote in a salesman mind and voila,application.

its not like i completely failed,i mean,every good doctor starts out as a con man amirite?

Hmm, very well. But please, for the love of god, use space between dots and commas. It's fucking annoying reading posts that lack space usage.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
This spy fellow, seems cool. I doubt he would be doing this just to get pablo into trouble, or anything like that. A 63 year old has a lot of wiseness behind him. :P
But anyway, lets stop bitching about this. Pablo shouldn't have acted this way, and everyone knows it. Spy made a thread with a screenshot, not to hate on Pablo, but to show us what he (pablo) is capable of.

Personally, I say remove this thread from the face of the internet.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
You know with what happened with our most recent incidents in the application threads, I think we should decide a system on how we can accept applicants. Having a council will be just stupid for me since only a few select members will be able to vote. So I am crossing that out. I am also taking out that only the leaders vote for the applicants which is just totally stupid. So this leads me to the idea in between the two ideas. So basically all of us are allowed to vote but a few select clan members(not only the leaders) will have veto power in all the polls for the applicants. I'm not saying that the non-veto power members will have no power but the few veto powered members are just more experienced or just plain older in terms of being a doc member.

This is just a concept so all the specs(number of veto powered members, the amount which differentiates the veto powered members and non-veto powered, etc.)

What do you guys say?

Do you know what veto means? It means that if one person says no, the vote is unanimous, no matter who else votes on it. It means that if, for example, I had tried to get in, and everyone said yes, but you said no, that would be my application denied, and I would not be getting in.
Someone else above me said something about a private board, and that is what we really need for those types of discussion. But seeing as we won't be able to get one for a long time yet, we need to use something. Something more efficient than the way we are using now.
Originally Posted by Bust3r View Post
Sounds silly.

I just think that once we get our private forum, we'll make a poll for each applicant.
People who have been in doc for more than a month will have access to the private forum, and therefore the ability to vote in the poll.

Though, what I am going to do is change up the application form a bit. I know we don't have one, but I was thinking that each week or so, we put up a debate subject in the application form.

Such as the death penalty, same sex marriage, etc. And they have to give their opinion, and also argument for their cause.

This way we can see if the applicant is well, "intelligent", so to speak. And capable of having a quality conversation or debate.

The rest of the application would be up to the applicant.

Kind of confused me there. Are you saying that when someone applies, they have to answer a question? Like that, captia(?) thing they have on sites to stop spam, except with a discussion, and they have to answer/vioce their opinion?
Sounds good. If you also add a minimum word limit, 400 would be good, it would mean that their errors that they try to conceal at the start of their post would slowly come out throughout their application.
^EG: Someone has problems with spelling, they either can't be bothered, or they just can't spell. Either way, if they had to write a paragraph, they would start out really careful and try to undo any mistakes. When they get closer to the end, they are taking less notice, and their mistakes show. Same goes for grammar.

And if there was a minimum word amount, it would deter people just "looking for an awesome tag", because a lot of words can be boring for some people.

In short, do it.
Originally Posted by Rageful View Post
Private board, go.


"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Pablo is a fucking douche and was in the wrong Yet a majority of doc came to his fucking rescue that alone is a tad disappointing.
Spy did the right thing in coming here and saying something yet was told roughly what Pablo said to start this shit "Pablo is just being Pablo" is no fucking excuse if something isn't done that is fucked up.

And Gwie What The Fuck Is Wrong With You.
Last edited by Enzu; Jun 26, 2010 at 02:36 PM.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers

Spy is maschiz but just got a name change. Now the invisible post count and join date must have somethign with veb. And once again, sorry for the invasion
Originally Posted by Tempo View Post
Guys, guys! Stop it already!

Okay, Pablo acting like that is not okay. I have no idea if he had a bad day at that moment or if he just got mad for some reason. As Murmayder said, he'll talk to Pablo about it and perhaps it'll stop. Just chill out and don't start a flame war debate shit thingy or something. Don't take it too hard. I know it's not okay, but don't get your emotions all stirred up by this.

Didn't mean to start any debate-shit-thing. Gwie said something I didn't agree with so I replied, with arguments.
Originally Posted by Bilza View Post
We'll the fact that this spy kid sounds awesome, he seems like the kinda guy that would be good having in this clan
[doc]Spy ;)

Also Spy, how/who removed all of your data (joindate, post count etc.)
Its pretty cool not having it, I think it looks awesome

veb removed all that stuff.
Using "Sir" does not make what ever you write proper, nor sophisticated. Implying that you have perfect grammar, and not even showing correct use of capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, using a capital I when referring to one self and not grasping the use of a comma reflects very poorly over you.

I liked the fact that you tried to make an original application, that was a big plus, but it feels like you're still not very mature.

Judging by your join date, Qi and forum posts, it would seem you spend several hours a day in multi-player, probably in private matches. That's cool, you probably know how to kick some ass in Aikido, Judo, Wushu or what ever it is you play. But 34 forum posts? It doesn't seem as if you're a very forum active person, your grammar and the general way you type also leads me to think you've not had too much forum experience. And doc is a forum/IRC based clan.

If you learned how to type and improved your grammar I'm sure you could have a good time here though. And I think this would be a cool place for you to learn, studying how us other doc members write, and basically mimicking it would probably have good results for you on the forums, and possibly in school.

Some information I missed is how old you are, and possibly your name if you're comfortable sharing it.

Now moving on to the accepted or rejected part. As it is now, I would not let you in, BUT, I am giving you a chance to get in the clan, because I think it would be a good learning experience for you, and maybe after a while we could be proud to have you as a member of this clan.

What I want you to do, is write a few paragraphs, 100+ words, about your views on the death penalty, and why you think it's either right, or wrong. If I see anything copy/pasted you will be instantly rejected. If you do well and I see you are capable of presenting arguments in a professional manner, I might just contemplate letting you in after discussing it with the other leaders.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.