I asked you people for a time. "anytime on these 2 dayz" is not how you plan. We've searched for you multiple times when we were ready and clearly you were not.
I said we're american. As in we're more then just a couple of hours away. It's 1 AM at my place (GMT +1) when Kolorz gets home from school. Take in account that members may not be able to play instantly and may have to get on towards the evening.

On another note, as our opponent it is equally as much your task to plan this. It's not up to me to hunt you down for answers while you sit and wait.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by Juliano View Post
We are waiting obey, it's not us.

Don't just wait, plan with them.
You have until Friday.

That's about 3 days.

Ok, if you guys could find a time that you are happy with then I will try my best but the time a know I cant do are: Monday: 6am-6pm Wednesday: 6am-3pm Thursday: 6am-6pm. GMT 0 And that is every week. Is that alright with everyone else?
Last edited by Goughy; Dec 3, 2013 at 08:58 PM.

Well, as I said Kolorz comes home when it's 1 AM here so we pretty much won't be able to do this until friday night. If anyone feels like sucking Vordreds dick then maybe we could push the deadline to 12 AM CET on saturday? Please? That'd give us enough time to play for friday without risking awkward disqualifications due to different GMT's.
PM me with any and all questions