Originally Posted by Satan View Post
I think he just plans on stopping next week, it's not a 'I'll no longer be able to play' thing, it's a 'I'll no longer be playing' thing.

Mm...Not really its more for a "I'll no longer be here" kind of thing.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Originally Posted by iIluminati View Post
strange you know exactly when you will stop, has something happened m8?

I am bored, that's what happened. I just want to have some time to say goodbye to most active members.

Originally Posted by Satan View Post
I think he just plans on stopping next week, it's not a 'I'll no longer be able to play' thing, it's a 'I'll no longer be playing' thing.

Ohai Satan nice to see you around again
It's in moments like this that i start thinking that Toribash is dying...

I'm sorry you are leaving Fluttershy, btw it's only some days that i discovered that Fluttershy it's a name of a Pony, when i red it i was like "What the fuck... it isn't a pony, it's my clan mate".
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
It's in moments like this that i start thinking that Toribash is dying...

I'm sorry you are leaving Fluttershy, btw it's only some days that i discovered that Fluttershy it's a name of a Pony, when i red it i was like "What the fuck... it isn't a pony, it's my clan mate".

Well there's the Internet for you weppet.
Fluttershy I'll miss you, I hope yu have fun with whatever else there is in life besides toribash, hope to see you around every once in a while. Bubai m80 ;-;
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
It's in moments like this that i start thinking that Toribash is dying...

I'm sorry you are leaving Fluttershy, btw it's only some days that i discovered that Fluttershy it's a name of a Pony, when i red it i was like "What the fuck... it isn't a pony, it's my clan mate".

Ahahahahah I'd love to have seen your face then.

It doesn't mean that Toribash is dying, just that some old members (It's been almost 3 years omg) are getting tired of the game/community.

Originally Posted by iIluminati View Post
Well there's the Internet for you weppet.
Fluttershy I'll miss you, I hope yu have fun with whatever else there is in life besides toribash, hope to see you around every once in a while. Bubai m80 ;-;

I'll still be around for some days
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
Ohai Satan nice to see you around again

Hey there buddie, shame you're leaving right as I come back haha
Let Satan guide you
Originally Posted by Satan View Post
Hey there buddie, shame you're leaving right as I come back haha

You know I'll still be on skype.
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
You know I'll still be on skype.

I know I know, but still, accept my feelings.
Let Satan guide you
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
You know I'll still be on skype.

.-. Your like the longest staying member we've had. I appreciate that. Its been fun brother.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Hey Fluttershy, even tho I currently have a short run with origin, I'm gonna miss you.

As much as I want to say goodbyes now, I've got my own business to attend now.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫