^I'm confused, but I don't care because I'm still giggling at this...

Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post

Why did I lol so hard

~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
That strip is almost a mockment.

Hey Puff, I thought you might like this:
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
Hey Puff, I thought you might like this:

I love how you totally just ignored the fact that Mockment isn't even a word.

Yes! It's pretty funny :P
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
I love how you totally just ignored the fact that Mockment isn't even a word.

Yes! It's pretty funny :P

DAMNIT! I knew it, I was like... wait, wtf... mock-ment? I understand mock but... hmmm

So I searched it online and nothing came up, dangit. lolz...

I'll get you next time you sneaky wabbit! (bugs bunny reference ftw)
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
I see what your trying to do... Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am trying, although I will be pretty busy with some RuneScape events that I need to attend in the next week or so, it's a large event where we are expecting a lot of scamming attempts. I have a feeling I'll be banning A LOT of people...

Aside from that I'm still trying to talk my big sis into playing Toribash. I doubt that'll happen. I also have to get Minecraft running better on my laptop, it's lagging to the extent where I just can't play.

But I promise I will at some point play Minecraft with you guys. <3 <3 <3

But as I've said before, I'm very clumsy with anything explosive so... yeah... when I do play, just keep your distance. 10,000 feet should do.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
A virtual cookie eh? lol, you haz youself a deal missy... Also, Kat do you have any piercings. or does anyone else here have any piercings...

I haz question for you if you do...
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
I'm getting snake bites in the near future :3
Brubs has an industrial and spiderbites and Lars has two piercings on one ear and one below his chin :3
Dunno about anyone else