Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
Just what we needed another rival offical clan

It's Not like they have to be our rival its just another official clan that we have to get in front of. They do have a lot of great players but we have better.
I am the 2000th post person #MLGPROPOSTINGHACKS!!!
Originally Posted by chrisabin2 View Post
Oh a recruitment server I guess that stops going through the trouble of waiting for people to send in a application. But I rarely see them for official clans also what's your guys opinion on WAPOW getting official. I think it came early maybe give the clan a bit more time, ether way I am very happy for them.

WAPOW had to become official, they aren't a bad clan at all. Also about the the recruitment server, we found good players throught them, oOMEGLES is the most recent i think.
Originally Posted by shadowcs1 View Post
Heey! Good Morning everyone! :3

Good morning to you to even though it is 8 at night. I always feel like I am the only Australian who plays this game even though there are heaps
I am the 2000th post person #MLGPROPOSTINGHACKS!!!
Originally Posted by chrisabin2 View Post
Good morning to you to even though it is 8 at night. I always feel like I am the only Australian who plays this game even though there are heaps

That does sound like an Australian since its 8 AM for me. And good morning
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
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hey guys sorry i haven't posted over the past two days i was ill, and it was my birthday so i was pretty busy anyway, how you all doing?
Commencing Project Origin 2.0
Originally Posted by chrisabin2 View Post
Good morning to you to even though it is 8 at night. I always feel like I am the only Australian who plays this game even though there are heaps

Eyyy Aussie pride <3
Guys I want to know what's happening with me and this clan. I pasted applications and got tested by Deak. I would just like to know what's going on
I am the 2000th post person #MLGPROPOSTINGHACKS!!!