Officially in love with Fight Club.
Officially in love with "Pixies - Where is my Mind".
Officially wearing tight jeans and lumberjack shirts as often as possible 'coz they cool and look good on me.

Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Officially wearing tight jeans and lumberjack shirts as often as possible 'coz they cool and look good on me.

Fucking copycat D:
lolhipsterssuckcockbecausetheyarecopycatsandderphe rpsmuttalkasdfgjkl

Tight jeans huh? :>
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Black fucking combat boots, black fucking combat trousers, a black fucking jacket and nearly fucking black short crew cut mother fucking hair. And shitmotherfucking tons of mud on the boots. That's the fucking way, not some gay fucking tight jeans.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Black fucking combat boots, black fucking combat trousers, a black fucking jacket and nearly fucking black short crew cut mother fucking hair. And shitmotherfucking tons of mud on the boots. That's the fucking way, not some gay fucking tight jeans.

What did you say?
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
That guy is the opposite of everything that is trve

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos