Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Oh you <3
I hadn't realized anybody would pay so much mind as to actually screen-cap it, but I appreciate it. <3

I'll add it to my hideout immediately.

Edit: Added.

What's your hideout?

Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
work, work, work

owait, i almost forgot to add a work to there.

my hours have been off the charts man D:

That's horrible bro. I only work on weekends.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Nice to finally meet/see you Takkrala.

Also I'm glad more of you guys are posting. Must be tough working many hours, seems like you don't get any free time.
Man...Summer is ending soon,only a little more time until I have to go to school again.
Well I passed my makeup exams so I'm officialy a 2nd year(yey for me).During the entire
makeup exam I cheated and so did everybody else.The teacher saw that we were cheating but she didn't say anything.One other teacher in the room came up to me and said do you have the answers?I said I do,and then he said why are you not looking at them(so basicly he told me to cheat).From now on those two are my favourite teachers together with my math teacher that makes jokes and let's us eat during class(actualy there are like only one or two teachers that I don't like the rest are all layed back and you can't help but like them).
Last edited by pundzo; Aug 22, 2013 at 10:06 AM.
Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post
What's your hideout?

I'll pm you.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by pundzo View Post
Man...Summer is ending soon,only a little more time until I have to go to school again.
Well I passed my makeup exams so I'm officialy a 2nd year(yey for me).During the entire
makeup exam I cheated and so did everybody else.The teacher saw that we were cheating but she didn't say anything.One other teacher in the room came up to me and said do you have the answers?I said I do,and then he said why are you not looking at them(so basicly he told me to cheat).From now on those two are my favourite teachers together with my math teacher that makes jokes and let's us eat during class(actualy there are like only one or two teachers that I don't like the rest are all layed back and you can't help but like them).

Haha although it may be easy and fun, you shouldn't cheat because it'll eventually come back to smack you in the face one day. If we got everything handed to us humans then what's the point of life? The challenging journey is worth more than the reward at the end.

Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
I'll pm you.

So suspicious rapp.... haha
Well I'm back on my WoW subscription, have any of you played WoW before?
I'm getting ready for the new patch coming next week.
Nah, not at all.
I have however played WcIII.
That was my thing before this. I haven't played much in the last year or two, but I had played that for eight years before. xP
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Haha although it may be easy and fun, you shouldn't cheat because it'll eventually come back to smack you in the face one day. If we got everything handed to us humans then what's the point of life? The challenging journey is worth more than the reward at the end.

So suspicious rapp.... haha

I have no interest in school,the only thing I care about is soccer.
Even so, basic education is still very important. Be glad that you actually have the opportunity to learn. I live in South Africa and a big chunk of the population live in shacks and live on less than 100$ a month. Be grateful that you actually get to do something whereas those poor people struggle to get an education and all they can do is beg for food and money most of the time.

I'm not saying that you should love and go all out for school but at least take it seriously because it plays a big part in your life whether you want it to or not.