I use a pair of nokia earphones for my speakers, BAM, cheap solution(stole from friend), alright quality(Nokia...pshh), can't fall off your head(self explanatory)

Headphones suck and will always suck, no matter how much they cost, they will always be uncomfortable, get a nice 7.1 sorround sound set with 6 speakers and a base.
I've been using ear buds and they've been giving me ear cramps, and I'm really looking for over the head ones, but some where they won't cramp my ears too by pushing on them.
im wearing HD 25 Originals by Senheiser right now.mega comfortable,kick ass sound quality and better than beats by dre
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But I still love [l]. I also love you.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
I'll get back to you muffindo, weather is too shit to think about it. Feel free to check out Sony XB700 if you want huge bass. I'd recommend trying to get a used grado/alessandro model or something or just sticking to a KSC75

So after trying some of these and more (the Sehhheiser HD218 caught my eye on the internet) I decided that the Sony XB did sound superb, even though the music I listen to isn't particularly bassy. I love how they feel and they just were what I was looking for overall.

However the ones I tried were Sony MDR-XB500 and I see that I could save quite a lot of money (relatively to my small budget) with XB300 that are not in the shops I know around here and that I would buy online. Do you know if there's a significant difference? Where would my extra money go if I decided to buy the XB500s?
For anyone who's a musician or audio engineer on a budget and need quality headphones I suggest a pair of DT770 pro's. It's around $180 on amazon but they are the most clean sounding and durable pair of headphones I've ever bought. These are not bass heavy headphones so if you're a bass lover you won't enjoy these.
I'm in need of a pair of headphones that are good for music production.
Right now I'm using some Logitech G35's but I have an unopened pair of Sound Blaster Tactic RAGE headphones from Christmas and I was wondering whether I should let them replace my current ones or get some different headphones for the about the same price.

If the latter, which ones do I get?
PM me with any and all questions
for cheap i have a wicked nice for its price headphones.
Sennheiser 280s
Theyre cheap, hq, and very very soft plus noise cancelling.
Price: ~150$ (could stretch)
Country: netherlands
Genres: huge variety, from rock to electro to metal to rap to trance
Use: listening to music/playing games (no mic needed) mostly at home but also in the train/bus. will be using it with my phone and laptop

been looking at ath m50x but not sure yet
dreamy suicide act
The m50xs sound great, the only complaint I had was that the stock earcups that came with them hurt my ears a little bit after wearing them for a while. However, this was fixed by buying some 3rd party earcups and now they're as comfortable as can be and still sound great.
I got these:

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