[APP] TheExiler
Originally Posted by TheExiler View Post
Welp, here goes nothing. I am TheExiler, or some call me Ex. I'm 15 and I am of the other gender also known as grown ass man. I am currently an orange belt but i do happen to have multiple accounts and the qi last I checked added up to around 8k or 9k. I am from New Jersey (USA) and my GMT is eastern standard. I was in Ae for a few friends but the amount of ignorance that happened to be in the clan wasn't worth it. I had a requested ban on my old account. I'd rather not speak about it and I had a ban over a miss understanding where I was dueling an item I had on a bank account. I am constantly on the forums and tend to check quite a few very often. I am online most days and weekends especially although I only get on for a short amount of time on weekdays due to the fact I play volleyball and we have 3 or 4 games a week for the next month or so. I am fairly good at making replays, I can do just about anything but I prefer tricking. My skype is dehbanana if you wish to add me. I was talking to Rune about making my own clan and he asked me to join Aeon instead.

Sicmon3 is still a WIP

Ehh... I dunno. He seems like a shady character from my first impressions of him.
[APP] ShoddyV2
TL; DR at the bottom

Originally Posted by ShoddyV2
(Okay so this application will probably take ages to read so good luck)
(if you're going to see the spacing I did between the information as formatted like Crooks once did, rip)

Let's start with this extremely long application Just to beat Rune
My name is obviously ShoddyV2 but I prefer to be called just Shoddy or Shod
the "V2" is merely there because Shoddy was taken ;-;

I am 16 years old turning 17 this year on the 22nd of October and I am from the Netherlands, you know, that country with the Pepsi flag and a GMT of +2
(I hope it doesn't perfectly mirror all of you guys' GMT, ah who am I kidding
it totaly will (don't worry though I'm on almost 24/7))
My gender is the following: YES!! (bruh)

My real name I'm going to keep as a secret for now because I like to only trust it upon those who I trust buuuut, you guys are really social so I doubt that is going to be secret for long ;o

Anyway to get to know me my Skype is wouter.konings1 it should come up as "[Dez]Shoddy" with a tribal wolf as picture now that we're on the topic of Skype and such my Steam is [Dez]Shoddy aswell (If you're wondering what the Dez is for, it's for a couple of things; 1: It's a social group I am apart of even though it's practically dead ;-;
2: My GF has an account named Dezires and she used my Skype for the TB related stuff too, she basically quit though)
My forum activity in all honestly is not too bad but not perfect either
I am really really active in Skype and Steam though, I even get refered to as Skype God ;o Back to the forum activity, well, my post count is very low :c but that's basically because I never felt a need for forum posting
Then again you could just see that a blatant lie but, just trust me on this one
And seeing as you guys are very forum active and aren't too big and not with a lot of "shit posters" I bet I would enjoy posting on this forum

I am a 5th Dan even though that doesn't really mean anything besides that I waste a lot of time in Toribash seeing I am mostly a replay maker although I enjoy a good game of every mod except Judo, I don't know why but I just don't like judo I spend like 4 hours a day in Toribash and atleast 8 on Skype
so on that aspect I am willing to give myself a little pat on the back and say 10(just take that as a 9 since you can always spend more time on a game)

I have a reason of applying here ofcourse (actually they are a couple of reasons) Well first and foremost you guys seem to be basically the best functioning clan in the game due to the "family" based contact and overall
good vibe which I'd really like to be a part of my history with clans in this game so far has been nice but also a bit disappointing the first clan I joined was Striker back when it just started out, this was also when I did a lot of jousting because it was fast and fun or basically when I was a super-noob
I didn't last long in this clan because they were nice at first but then just became annoying mocking people they beat, and I couldn't consciously
be a part of a clan like that, then I decided to join MoEnergy I loved the clan
Everyone was really nice (except for like 2 that luckily got kicked pretty quickly) I stayed in there for around a month and a half, then the leader stopped playing then a couple of my friends left than more left and a chain reaction just sent the clan into oblivion so I was basically forced to leave
After that I went to KnC which I stayed in for around 2 months and had a lot of friends in and also a couple of "not-so-friends" but still I enjoyed being in there the time I was until I got really bored of it since a lot of my friends stopped playing for a bit and some were just being annoying
Even after that I joined Ne which didn't last all too long because of outside of a couple really good friends I had there, the vibe was really bad and just
constant shit being thrown at you in the clan chat so after around 3 weeks I just had a bad day and then someone slipped up and I just left it and wished
the clan the best of luck, sadly after I left some others left and now the clan
is dead :C That basically sums up my clan history, in my opinion it's pretty short and I am quite loyal but I really hope (if I even get accepted) this is a place I can be happy and stay in for eternity (if my life lets me)
I also applied because of Rune, who is a good friend of mine
And I saw that TheExiler applied and I see him as almost family (long story)

Now that I am on a roll with "dem-sweet-ass-stories" I'll tell you how I got in touch with Aeon
Well the first time I really got in touch with Aeon was when I met Abyss and started chatting with him quite a lot
(honestly I forgot how I got in touch with him but I guess that spares you some reading, lucky bastards)
Then I just saw some people in Aeon but yeah didn't really know too much about Aeon except that it was a social clan, then Rune (or at the time DeprivedOR) joined Aeon and through him I got to know a bit more about the clan, I also believe I did some message relaying for him on some of your threads, doesn't really mean to much but I left some of my own comments so ehh maybe it means something

(I'll now take this moment to "brag" about the fact that I've never been banned ;o)

Now for the last bit of the app, I'll just tell you how I got into Toribash and what I do in it and such (I guess you could skip this since this already is ridiculous but you could get to know me better and I can stretch my app a bit to overkill Rune's app <3

So yeah this game was a game I originally saw on the internet somewhere a couple of years back, I didn't really think much of the game back then
But I got into it because of a friend who wanted me to come play it (note: this guy wasn't good at the game so we both got introduced to it at the same time I guess) But when we wanted to play he had to go :/
So I went ahead and got into a lobby of Beginner Jousting and so my journey and addiction to this game started
In this server there was a guy named "Steampunk" I believe
He was basically the only one in the lobby who knew anything about the game and was constantly streaking also somehow this whole lobby of like 7 people was really nice (I'm saying this because most of the lobbies have one guy either not talking or being not so nice
so yeah I started as the absolute worst of the lobby but I really wanted to beat Steampunk so soon I started trying to copy his moves, and he even helped me doing so, giving me and everyone else tips until I finally to my
surprise beat him, that was pretty satisfying (note: I had lost literally every game up to that point ;-;) after he won another couple of games, he had to go and I went off too the next day I wanted to come on and see if I could
find the same server again, and yep I did, no-one was there :c
So I tried some other mods like Aikido Judo and Mushu
but I found Jousting at least 10 times more fun so I went to the Pub Jousting
server and as expected I got rekt extremely hard after losing like 6 games
I looked up some jousting moves since even I as a noob caught on that this
mod (or as I called it mode cx) was heavily based on openers after that I
started to win some games and after a good 2 weeks of mostly playing Jousting I got really good at it having learned many, many openers from people and the "pros" of Jousting eventually I was in the ranking between 10 and 50 the whole time After I got tired of that I tried all the other Public
Servers but they just weren't as fun so I quit for like 2 or 3 weeks and that's when I really got into the game I started doing some jousting and a bit of Mushu and Aikido I really didn't do too well but I had fun regardless
Then I started watching Mocucha's channel and some of the other TB channels and that really inspired me to start sparring with some friends that
were even worse then me somehow lol And after that I started doing MP spars with random people and just tried to learn stuff besides the Youtube
Run(e) I really wanted to learn more about it and get better and better which I did luckily then some other people introduced me to parkour and tricking and I started practicing on tricking a bit, parkour I left alone since
I thought it wouldn't really fit me too much since you lose your sense of
freedom of movement and the friction was wierd sometimes
At this point I was starting to get some friends and started getting a bit
of a name in the more noob-ish sparrers well not much to say here anymore except that I just kept playing and getting better blablabla
Then I started really doing alot of tricking(I forgot to say this since it doesn't matter at all but just something to know about me: I myself trick alot in real life for a long time, so that is fun for me) and now I really want to get into parkour since it's something that probably is the least repetative except for running Okay I'm with the whole sparring tricking and parkour life story I'll just give you guys a couple of things about myself I guess
So yeah I do tricking IRL and have done so for a long time(as mentioned previously)
I have some pets I have a cat named Luk(basically pronounced as luck but has nothing to do with luck) who lives in my house and basically the whole neighbor hood .-. And Jormungandr lives in my pants (you somewhat made me write this) I've been told I'm a pretty chill guy that is fun to talk to
I really don't like talking about myself for too long so yeh, going to cut it

I skipped 'til the very last part because I really had no where to put this except for "little" hints
I have some talents, I can write a bit and well the rest doesn't really have anything to do with TB like drawing One thing I'm decent at is lightening the mood and making some jokes ;)

(Just if you skipped over it or forgot already
Steam: [Dez]Shoddy
Skype: wouter.konings1 (Shows up as [Dez]Shoddy too))
So yeah this might have been way too long but I needed to keep my word
I more then doubled Rune's app (Which was 853 words long) with 2033 words and like I said a total of 10k (Hehe I never said words, so it's 10138 characters) Rekt

I'm done Rude Rune is pushing me to post it and I am really getting tired of writing for 2 hours

- Been a member of a few clans, left because the clans either died or he didn't appreciate the atmosphere ( (Striker), (MOEnergy), (Ne), (KnC) )
- Abyss and Rune introduced him here
- He enjoys the 'family' vibe of Aeon
- GMT +2
- Contact information at the bottom of the app

I haven't read it yet, I'll go back over it once I've read it but it sure as hell shows commitment, that's for sure.
Last edited by NotShadow; Apr 20, 2015 at 05:31 AM.
And Jormungandr lives in my pants (you somewhat made me write this)

Instant yes

Jokes aside, very long app, a bit painful to read because of the lack of punctuation, but it really shows he tried hard (although I condemn his reason of merely trying to beat rune)

I have met this guy quite alot in public lobbies, he seems like a nice guy. I think he'd fit in just great.

i knew demini for a little bit, he's an alright guy, but, i don't think he'll stay for long
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
damn so many words and letters :O

Thats the only thing that makes me feel a bit strange
Originally Posted by ShoddyV2
I saw that TheExiler applied and I see him as almost family (long story)

idk but i don't rly feel like i would say yes to Exiler atm so i wonder if he would join anyway?
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Originally Posted by TheAnimal View Post
damn so many words and letters :O

Thats the only thing that makes me feel a bit strange

idk but i don't rly feel like i would say yes to Exiler atm so i wonder if he would join anyway?

only one way to find out