Don't you read the Bible?
Psalm 13:2 "And the lord said, that thou shalt not pester the Enigma clan"
Consider this a learning experience.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by OFingerzO View Post
Real Name: Chad Murray
Belt: (Minimum Black) Black Belt.. Around 120 games from 2nd dan
Former clans: 1 [Pure Chaos] [Smoke] ,[Brave/smile],[Rust]
Forum activity (1-10): Despite my post count its usually a 7-8 but now its really a 5 or so because of school.
In-game activity (1-10): Usually 9-10 but now its 6 -8ish because of school aswell.
How long have you been playing?: i'd say atleast from late december 2011.
Best Mod(s):Judo,JudoFrac,Wushu,Pendulum jumper,aikido,running,runkido
Worst Mod(s): 2Lenshu
What you have to offer to the clan: Well basically i can help out with beginner art such as textures until i get better i guess to atleast attempt banners and such. Donations and other things/item required by the clan , so long as i can acquire them..
Why do you want to be in [Enigma]?:3 Im looking for a kickass clan that has both excellent members along with an awesome name.Also i'm searching for a clan that has fun ... additionally, all the people i have met that belong to Enigma are awesome and kicked my ass a few time...xD
Will you follow all rules?:4 Yes
A short paragraph about yourself: Well Basically im a 16year old guy from the small Caribbean island of Barbados ! i enjoy playing football Based, Shooter oriented and mainly violent games such as toribash. Im a Huuuuggee football fan , so when im not at school , playing toribash or doing anything involving school im either playing or watching football games. Im usually not inactive but when i am it most likely will be a result of the upcoming football games i have aswell as the tests i have starting monday .. i like to mess around in parkour and sparring games from time to time but i usually just kick it in judo rooms or something along those lines..
i will try my best to help out in anyway i can ....5 my TC donations may be a bit small but i would do as best as i can!

I find the lack of freeform disturbing.

1.The amount of clans you've been is discouraging considering your join date. Explanations to why you left might clear that up. Or not.
2. y u no liek lenshoe
3. Dat kissarsery
4. We have rules now?
5. TC donations get you nowhere*.
So, overall, apathy leaning towards no

*Unless you send them to me.
Last edited by Lorrtex; Dec 6, 2012 at 11:17 AM.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
I think his biggest concern is that you didn't do a freefrom app, which is actually a requirement in this clan.

If you could make us a freeform app, that'd be great <3
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
Don't you read the Bible?
Psalm 13:2 "And the lord said, that thou shalt not pester the Enigma clan"
Consider this a learning experience.

Get ready to be burned at stake for committing the horrible sin of tempering the word of god.
Originally Posted by OFingerzO View Post
i left most mainly because they were inactive

We get like, 3 posts a day.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
So you quit your previous clans because of inactivity, but now you're saying you're inactive yourself.

[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
i have alot of stuff going on now , but it seems like i wont get in this clan, i actually lost interest in joining .
so farewell i guess.
Last edited by Nigma; Dec 8, 2012 at 06:57 PM.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
For the record, you did have a chance getting into the clan, you were just being very bipolar which made us a bit confused about how you are.

[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth