Originally Posted by Butterz1 View Post
Well first

Your balance was off the whole spar

The emotes were kinda getting annoying at the moment

Around 700-600 you just paused

You also kept falling over like a drunk person \o/
A sp replay i put together, sorry for the double post

You should know by now that's not what this thread is for.
D3 & Swex's Spar

Now this is more like it. This is a spar.
I've never been able to grasp the appeal to short ED spars, because I'm a runner at heart, but you two just helped me realize how great they can be. I actually found myself taking little mental notes throughout it at first, rather than looking for flaws.

That opening choreography was phenomenal. I'm sure a few newer sparrers might complain that there was no contact as they tend to do, but looking at it from an experienced player's point of view, it was wonderful. Fast, smooth and precise. If you look closely at frame 1230, you can see where Swex is practically squatting midair on his leg trail and if you didn't know better you could easily mistaken it as yours. You guys cut it so close and it's impressive that you pulled it off so well.

I will hint, though, that you might want to try another opener next time. I know personally how difficult it can be to realistically get momentum flowing in close ED spars, hence my distaste for them, but notice how Swex starts with a step then turns into another step for his leap. Yours was more of a drop, turn, leap. That would have been fine, but the drop somehow seemed awkward and unrealistic. Perhaps you may have gone too low. Anyhow, I'm not telling you to become Swex, although my new motivation is to catch back up to him so things can return to the way that they used to be and the natural power balance in TB can be set right once more. But just try to pick up from the nuances of the fight when you get the chance.

All the same, your recovery from the opening kick was nice and smooth, but the way that left kick flew out there during that turnaround was a bit wild. I'm guessing it was for momentum control, or maybe it'd just slipped your notice.

No need to even comment on Swex's transition because I'm pretty sure I can't even do that.

The altercation that ensued afterwards was okay. Swex's punch was fluid, but, in hindsight, the back kick you attempted may have been ill-chosen. You were already in the air and you had more than enough rotation over your shoulder, so you were set up for a pretty easy sideflip. It would have been a tighter and more compact transition, cleaner than the kick you threw.

When you two came back at it again, the teamwork was expertly displayed. The back to back sweeps were beautiful. I've never seen that done, so kudos. And Swex's back kick to knee spin over your back, to hook was purely amazing.

Honestly, I can't go on. This entire replay is great. The creativity, style, teamwork, and execution are unbelievable. Every time I try to look for the places for you to improve, I get distracted by the next contact point. A lot of work was put into this replay and it shows.

The ending was perfect. The set up and the execution there were so exact. And that final sweep to a punch was wonderful and Swex's face down prone was so conclusive. It's a shame that you hadn't been ahead in points, so that your pose could have been as conclusive.

Also, I'd like to point out, to anyone brave enough to read this far, the complexity beneath this replay that the pair themselves probably hardly noticed. The set displayed by Swex is a ninja-like character; D3's a cat-like character. You don't even have to watch the replay closely to see it, but if you do you can see how fitting their movements are throughout the entire replay, from start to finish. Swex plays the high flying, evasive, and highly deceptive ninja role all too well, while D3 sticks close to the ground, laying an extra paw down here or there whenever needed. Even when he becomes dazed by the punch at 400, he falls to all fours and Swex shows off more of his deft footing with more acrobatics before D3 tosses him up and bats him down like a kitten at play.

All Shook Up
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Law- All Shook Up.rpl (850.1 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Lawrence1; Aug 12, 2012 at 10:42 AM.
I loved the drama and timing of your reactions.
By drama, I mean, for example, how you stayed on the ground as Elvis walked away.
Then, he suddenly turns around, see you get back up.
The hits were nice, but some were a bit stiff and badly positioned.
You had a nice flow, but sometimes you stop a bit.
Also, I think you stayed down a bit too long.
Overall, the replay was nice, and had a good story added to it, which I loved.

Here's a great sword spar me and Zeroback made.
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D3_Zeroback_Sword_Spar.rpl (735.7 KB, 20 views)
That spar was just great...
Your flow and the dodges, just wow.
The run was really smooth and I like how you sorta went back to back for a few frames. exept you sorta losing spinning speed after Zero "kicked" you away it was perfect. One of the best I ever saw.
Some shit me and Fanty made in all of my rustyness.
Untill Fanty decided to ping.
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Jisse - Spar with Fantyful.rpl (411.6 KB, 11 views)
Jisse i loved that spar, but i did see your arm went through your leg once or twice. That flip was cool. Uhh not much i could say about that spar. Ohh and also when you went for a hit or a kick it got well cluttery.

Now here is my spar with luciano please CnC him to. I dont know how to fix but he is uke.
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Wow, very nice spar, I like that grab on the rope I havent seen it properly because the mod isnt working for me, sorry. Thats all I have to say. Anyways, guys, sorry for my inactivity, I just had a spar, and this spar is very new, just now, so.... I hope u like it CNC Pw0x
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Sparring with appledosa!.rpl (807.5 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by mikikillaz; Aug 16, 2012 at 12:57 PM.
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
Updated, I can't see the mod
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
Just get the mod...
It really isn't difficult at all.
Anyway about that spar Miki.
That run was really ugly due to your arms being extended and your elbows contracted during it. After first impact you sat down on the ground pretty weird before starting spinning. After that semi-backflip thing you change the direction of wich you where spinning wich looked a little odd. One thing I really liked was the knee to the face and the last kick, the transition between those two where pretty weird though.
The pose was pretty bad aswell.
Over all a pretty jerky replay.
Here's a little thing me and Swex pulled of before.
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My spar replay
Yea this is the first replay where I tried to do realism. Also jisse that was a nice replay stylish and good, I just wish it was longer. Also tell me what you think from my other replay.
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Lasttime_Vs_Sprytyne Spar.rpl (528.8 KB, 9 views)