I never dled this until just now, and blazed through it on normal to see how it was like. Very fun, I caught myself shaking my fist at my computer at least twice, particularly the level 5 boss (I didn't invest in any defense up to this point :s probably should have).

However, I distinctly felt like level 7 was actually easier than level 6, taking into consideration increased weapons and stuff. It felt like significantly fewer enemies were present, and the level felt shorter to boot, so it wasn't like they were spread out or anything. I had much more trouble with level 6 than I did with level 7.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Huh, well that's interesting. I guess some balancing is in order, because i'm inclined to agree with you. Problem is, i don't know if i should make 6 easier or 7 harder. Probably the former, because level 6 contains a disproportionatly large number of dick moves compared to 7. (AKA red wedges EVERYWHERE, paired with an ungodly amount of yellow lasers)

However, i can reveal that the levels 8 and 9 are most definitely harder than 6 and 7, but still not impossible (since i did them both on Nightmare on the first try). You see that screenshot with a gagillion yellow sentries? That's the end of level 9. It's likely to be naught but a warmup for the coming boss. :U

Also, i'm glad that defense seems to be relevant to gameplay, because i've been worried that just pumping everything into offense would make defense redundant. Granted, when i play myself, i heavily favour offense, but on Nightmare i find it rather necessary to also get armor and shield. I guess that part of the game works fine then!!

@SlyBash: Hey that's really nice! Might be a tiny bit too... I dunno, soft? For a boss fight, anyways. I'll definitely try it out though, because for all i know it might be a perfect fit.

@JellyNinja: Great! I'll be looking forward to it. c:
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Oh. Well, sounds neat anyways. :U

Also, guess what time it is.

come on


ok fine



- Added levels 8 and 9
- Renamed the beamy enemies to "Bzapk" and gave them a new sprite
- Two new enemies: Yellow Bzapks and green Fans
- Green beams (instant ones) now reflect off your shield rather than smash through, yellow beams completely ignore shields
- New shield graphics
- Tweaked shield functionality, now takes more/less damage in relation to difficulty
- Tweaked turning animation of player ship
- Changed some shop upgrades to be less detrimental
- Added "requires X" text to upgrades that needed it
- Added spread shot and reactor upgrades to shop
- Changed "front" upgrade graphics to match new ship appearance
- Turret super can now fire at 55% charge rather than 70% (bug, it only uses 55%), front super now takes 90% charge rather than the whole bar
- Added EPIC MAN MODE >:C, which is quite literally Nightmare times 10 (for the masochists out there :U)

- EPIC MAN MODE >:C must be written in bold purple letters, and is selected by pressing 5 in the main menu
- Level skipping is NO LONGER POSSIBLE, but i plan to implement a proper level selection feature in the future
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
You're gonna make me late for class shook :s this is my last statement before I'm forced to pull the plug on my internet to stop myself from downloading this.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
K shook, EPIC MAN MODE >:C is butt hard at level 6 :s

Like... really fucking hard.

I've spent more time trying to get through that level than all the other levels combined, and I still haven't succeeded :s the 4 turrets at the end combined with the spread shot ships kinda always fuck you over, even at full hp with shields. And I have 64% damage reduction :s
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Well, it wouldn't be EPIC MAN MODE >:C if it weren't really fuckin hard.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Originally Posted by Chartle View Post
Well, it wouldn't be EPIC MAN MODE >:C if it weren't really fuckin hard.

It was already hard in normal for me, but shit it's brutal in EPIC MAN MODE >:C. It's literally me timing power shots to break a line through walls of the yellow ships before they fire off their rounds.


Seriously, I'm under the firm belief right now that level 6 is impossible in EPIC MAN MODE >:C
Last edited by Oracle; Apr 4, 2012 at 05:50 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games