hhahaa i lol'd so hard on your post on the aplly thread

u need to start making lyrics

Telling him to take the talk elsewhere ranks on a level of misguidedness as sticking you face into a pile of baby seal shit after you've made them shit themselves by clubbing them over the head with a mallet. This brings me to the third point. Do not backseat mod. The statement is very efficiently self-explanatory. Commenting on applicants is fine, but don't backseat mod.

Last edited by haXu; Mar 27, 2011 at 03:13 PM.
Well, I must confess that this style of insulting is basically based off the style of insulting that Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw uses in his Zero Punctuation reviews. The analogy is mine though. :V

Found here:
My great friends Haxu and Jumpysnake

As the two friends are, how long.
Hope to meet all of the clan as well.