Hey kumer, you should make me something aweseome, I have Pharos force and platinum relax. MAKE IT SEXY.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
i was hoping someone could make me some free leg textures to use cos i have the items but right now im having to settle for a random thing i made in paint, also it has to go with marine and white
Last edited by weed33; Mar 30, 2010 at 07:06 PM.
[Pure], wanna join?
hey give me a help

i cant make my avvy to transparency (i dont know how to spell it)
i DID it in/on gimp but when i upload it here, the transparency is turned to white

<<<--------------JUST LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!!

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