/jo prototype

Also, we're gonna apply for official on Saturday or Sunday
Last edited by Nathan; Sep 4, 2009 at 08:55 PM.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Aelak is accpeted

Someone please post so I don't have to triple post
Last edited by Nathan; Sep 4, 2009 at 09:21 PM.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Shenyan is applying to, I tested him now he just needs to post an app, because all the members must post at least once, bla bla bla
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Belt: Black

fave mods: All

reason for wanting to join: My Clan is dead,my friend is in it and it's Sweet!
Training in the mountains
Originally Posted by nathandude View Post
/jo prototype

Also, we're gonna apply for official on Saturday or Sunday

ow i don't know it. But i am happy PrototoType oficial clan.
Well, we're applying for it, but doesn't mean that we'll get it. I mean, we're doing good for a DSC, but you never know, they might now accept us.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Originally Posted by BlakDragon View Post
they should accept us, we are a kickass clan. Got a lot of good members. If we make, look out top clans, were coming

BlakDragon have right. Black belts clan and ldr with master belt[We're coming