I personally liked reading that app. It is for me one more proof that quantity is not quality. I'm used to say ''be active in our forum and IRC and I might give you a yes'', but, in this particular case, it is the other way around: I will only say no if you do a shit that you never did before, like, spamming this whole board.

So here it is, you just got a yes from me, boy. NOW, get in our IRC from time to time, and you're already free to post around our forum. Good luck.
Oh fuck yes..
Nice app...
Join IRC post etc etc etc
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
I apoligise to everyone for being so uneducated, but may I ask, how do you join an 'IRC' as you call it?
Last edited by NinjaPirateFTW; Oct 24, 2011 at 09:35 AM.
Originally Posted by NinjaPirateFTW View Post
I apoligise to everyone for being so uneducated, but may I ask, how do you join an 'IRC' as you call it?

First page, First post. No need to fret many a applicant have overlooked it.

Belt : Blue

Win % : 76.96

Qi : 217

Rank : 127

Favorite mods : Aikido , aikidobigdojo , wushu , running , parkours , instagibfeet_fixed , ninjutsu , taekkyon , almost anything !

Why I'd like to join : I'd like to join a friendly clan with some people that
are some what "decent" , like to add some friends to my list , maybe some sparring , and a little teaching if needed desperately which will not really be needed cause this clan isnt really a "Fight" type of clan . hope i can join , and i've never been in a clan and id probably like to start with a nice , easy , smooth one .
thanks guys and i hope i can join . contact you soon .
oh and the image isnt what i look like here's my real form today ...

I've read a lot of this clan and I'ts intresting that this Is pretty much the only clan that has " No Skill Requirment , Or Belt Type " that is facinating to me cause your , i think is the only one who does it acually . this is another reason why I'd like to join this clan , cause It's also different from a lot of other clans , hope i can join obviously , and yeah thanks . i hope i can join but if i don't i guess i'll have to get over it and join some other one . thanks again . sorry , i know i talk a lot , i'd be a very good messenger for the clan cause i talk a lot , never really know if there's such a thing like a "Messenger" in a clan , but maybe you could poosibly make me a clan messenger , cause i'd be perfect for the job ! see you guys soon !
Last edited by 1DarkLight; Oct 29, 2011 at 01:42 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

I like this guy. He seems well informed. Come on to IRC if your not on already. Oh and he already gave us a plan on what will happen if he is turned down? Oh man, I really want to get into some good conversation with this user.
Last edited by thepureone; Oct 29, 2011 at 03:15 AM.
Nice, easy, smooth one? nah, believe me: nope.

Clans that require ingame skill are nice, easy and smooth ones, so I'm leaving a note here: do not underestimate our ''legislation''.

Join our IRC and post around once you realize that youre applying for a clan that is not accepting anyone easily. Good luck.
Ehhhh guys It won't let me on the IRC . it says i have "illegal letters" .
here's what It says

[23:44] qwebirc v0.85
[23:44] Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.
[23:44] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
[23:44] == *** (qwebirc) Looking up your hostname...
[23:44] == *** (qwebirc) Couldn't look up your hostname!
[23:44] == Connected to server.
[23:44] *** Looking up your hostname...
[23:44] *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
[23:44] == Erroneous Nickname: Illegal characters
want me to make a spam account like darklights or somethin then see if i can join the IRC .
im thinkin' maybe cause it's my 1 in 1Darklight , The One in it .
maybe you cant join it if it starts with a number , like if your name has a number to start it off you can't join IRC's or somthing , i have no clue really what to do at this point , the only solution really is to make a spam account , or we'd have to talk on the game itself . sorry guys . hope we can find a quick solution .
really sorry , hope we can talk soon .
Last edited by 1DarkLight; Oct 29, 2011 at 05:48 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

ya just use darklight we will get that it is you.

He uses more commas than me lol
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos