Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
I'm having the time of my life with this Pally deck:


I'm experimenting with dropping the two Loot Hoarders for a second Consecration and Scarlet Crusader. I usually manage to drop a big Divine Favor for 3-4 cards on average due to the abundance of dirt-cheap secrets.

argent commander? that's oldschool. the reason that card is shit now is because there's more 5 hp creatures used in a lot of decks. i.e belcher, sludge, emperor
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
argent commander? that's oldschool. the reason that card is shit now is because there's more 5 hp creatures used in a lot of decks. i.e belcher, sludge, emperor

I normally don't use them, but paired with Redemption every Divine Shield creature is better than a non-divine shield one.
Dragon Control Warrior... Interesting.

I'm on the fence as to whether Ysera or Nefarious is better. Very rarely do I play either card and it stays alive for the next turn. So on that front, I value 2 opponent spell cards over 1 dream card. While Ysera isn't BGH-able, it still dies to typical removal (Siphon Soul, execute, a decent shield slam, assasinate), and it's Shrinkmeister Cabalable which is scary.

Idfk. It's tough. Sometimes you play a paladin and get eye for an eye and sometimes you get equality and it outright wins you the game with Baron Geddon combo.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I swear this game hates me. Not only do I never get any good cards from packs, but I've literally lost like 8 tavern brawls in a row because of terrible rng for me, and god-tier rng for the opponent.

Need just 1 taunt creature to win, I have innervate, moonfire, and that 2 drop draw card battlecry gnome. Innervate, get wisp, moonfire, get wisp, gnome, draw another moonfire, moonfire, get another wisp. 1/8 chance of no taunts, not including the chance I had to draw the 2 cost +2+2 taunt spell. Not a single goddamn target dummy.

Then the loremaster cho coming up not once, but twice.

And the rng of warsong commander, armorsmith, and grim patron. In a row.

And the number of parrots and angry chickens I have recieved have made me develop an eye twitch.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Dragon Control Warrior... Interesting.

I'm on the fence as to whether Ysera or Nefarious is better. Very rarely do I play either card and it stays alive for the next turn. So on that front, I value 2 opponent spell cards over 1 dream card. While Ysera isn't BGH-able, it still dies to typical removal (Siphon Soul, execute, a decent shield slam, assasinate), and it's Shrinkmeister Cabalable which is scary.

Idfk. It's tough. Sometimes you play a paladin and get eye for an eye and sometimes you get equality and it outright wins you the game with Baron Geddon combo.

I would say Ysera is much better. The only "bad" (and I say bad hesitantly) dream card is laughing sister, but depending on the opponent's class, some classes have some pretty bad spells.

Also I'm fairly certain statistically Ysera survives much longer. If a priest shrink/cabal's your ysera they deserve the win
Originally Posted by Clay View Post
I would say Ysera is much better. The only "bad" (and I say bad hesitantly) dream card is laughing sister, but depending on the opponent's class, some classes have some pretty bad spells.

Also I'm fairly certain statistically Ysera survives much longer. If a priest shrink/cabal's your ysera they deserve the win

I mean yes and no. When Ysera does come out, usually their Ironbeak Owl has already been used on Sylv if I'm facing anyone but hunter, and on Sludge Belcher if facing hunter. That being said, Grommash is never the target of BGH, Emperor T only needs a fireball or a frost bolt and trade to get rid of so hard hard removal is available.

IDK. I see where you're coming from- Ysera, by default, being that it has 12 health and can't be BGH'd even by Abusive Sergeant combo is a hard thing to remove. But if Ysera lasts 3 turns, I probably would've won anyways. So the question is: do I like the RNG of dream cards more than class cards? You have Laughing Sister which is just okay, nothing special. Emerald drake is alright but hard to play on curve at that stage of the game. Dream is awesome Tempo card. Awakens is situational. And of course Nightmare is very situational.

Sometimes you get fucking Deadly Poison x2 from Nef and go "Wow this blows.", but man sometimes you get Flamestrike x 2 and it literally wins you the game.

Tough call for sure.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I'm a control warrior fanboy and I feel like nefarian is better in a super aggro meta, which we aren't really facing. The ideal way you should be trying to use ysera is counting their removal, silences and such (in the mirror match, I love using grom as execute bait) and only playing it when they can't deal with it, so it single-handedly wins you the game.

If you're often finding yourself in matchups where racing and immediate impact is more important, nef is the way to go.
Tavenbrawl loves me apparently. Tree of life into MG. \o/

On a Ysera V Nef though. I take Ysera 9/10 times. Just becase it's more sticky, plus the 4 attack makes it less of a priority to be killed so it usually makes 2 or 3 turns for me and unless I get double laughing sister and no taunt from draws. I'm pretty fine with everything it gives me.

I pulled it off boys!

<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

> get Tavern Brawl pack
> open pack
> first card venture co. mercenary
> urge to throw chair intensifies
> second card patient assassin
> "oh, well that's nice"
> third card stampeding kodo
> "oh cool, first time more than 1 rare+ card"
> fourth card summoning portal
> "man, this was actually a pretty good pack"
> fifth card prophet velen
> "asdfgjdghahfhsjagdkanfgkabfi"

It was a good day.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games