Hello everyone I am back in Fyre. Now that I am back, I was wondering if I can get some help from my fellow Fyre members.
Next week I am getting 100k tc. I will be paying a friend of mine 30k to give me his 128x128, but I will need new pictures.
I want to look like a skeleton, with full skeleton skull, arms, legs, hands, ribs, groin, and feet. Is there anyone that can help me here?
He also has re-kicked me from Fyre, against Ulti's allowed reinstatement of myself.
As you all can see now, he is abusing his authority again, editing my messages using his moderator power. And yes, I want you out of this clan now. Because before you were fine. This time you went too far.
And he is threatening me
Last edited by poppo361; Feb 17, 2012 at 01:30 AM.
Well, I said I wasn't going to spend much time on it anyway. I took my screenshots, and now I am on to newer subjects. Also, is there someone that can help meh with my design issue
Poppo, you can go ahead and rage somewhere else because you got your feelings hurt by having one person not like you. You have no right to take it out on the clan. Im not sure who all you kicked but one of them was austin, who has contributed twice as much as you have even though youve been here twice as long as him. He is also liked around here considerably more than you and brings more to this clan than you even have the potential to bring. Your crusade to help the clan and to become liked has gained you quite a few enemies. And manipulating austins post to display anger is way past the line. If you want to be pissed and rage, dont hide behind others like a little coward. You take it up directly with the person and deal with it yourself.
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
Let me hear it. I'm waiting.

You abuse your power of both leader and moderator of forums. I don't like you and I never will. Most people here don't. I insulted you. Yes I did. I may have gotten a little carried away with our in-game argument myself. I can admit that and I am sorry for it. But that gave you no right to delete my posts, abuse your authority, wreak havoc upon the forums, impersonating me, and kick me from the clan. You have absolutely no right. I want first and foremost an apology. I want second, a guaran-goddamn-tee you will NEVER, EVER do anything like this to me or anyone else EVER again. Third, I want you to see yourself for what you really are. A control freak that has a Napoleon complex almost as big as Napoleon himself. Also, I want you out of power for all these reasons, and the fact you changed your avatar to "Pokerface".
Last edited by skullandbo; Feb 17, 2012 at 01:46 AM.
Sounds like you're a little angry about being kicked. Come back when you're calm.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
Sounds like you're a little butthurt. Come back when you're calm.

I am perfectly calm. I am just dead serious. Also, why do you keep falling on the insult "butthurt"? Please get new material if you are going to insult someone that is trying to be serious.
Also, I took screen-shots. Please dont try to change it so my message looks fake. Also, I took a screenie of this too.
Also, I have you quoted. Nice one there champ.
Last edited by skullandbo; Feb 17, 2012 at 01:43 AM.