omg try death lab on your site I just played it for an hour :3 aha anyway yeah ill talk to him about it and see if he can help.
Sparky, you might not be safe, I hear that Will is looking for a fresh pair of kydneys.
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.
admit theses kidneys look fine I will buy one for 1000000000000000000$ and also last night Spark destroyed me on toribash with a 12 win streak so we all have to bow down to the master Spark
I am the 2000th post person #MLGPROPOSTINGHACKS!!!
Wait whats with the kidneys?? Is someone buying real kidneys of the black market wwaaaaaa. I'm so confused :3 and chris, you will get him back with a 13 win streak ;)
I'm sure I will but I have to pratice every second of every day of every year also I love when I try to go to sleep and my ipad makes you got a skype message noice
I am the 2000th post person #MLGPROPOSTINGHACKS!!!
Hey guys. I figured I'd come to the clan forum since I applied!
Noobs complain about moves, pros adjust to them.
Roflmao451 ~ 4th Dan.