"It’s more than freezing out here. The air’s so cold your scrotum wouldturn necrotic and fall off in a matter of seconds if you weren’t wearing atleast twelve layers of long johns. A person would have to be retarded andcompletely lack a sense of touch to even think about coming out to thisHell-blessed place. This entire island is a virtual dead-zone, a wastelandwhere not but the most adamantine extremophile can survive for long.

And yet here I am, anyway, pacing around the borderline-glacial plateaus andarchipelagos with ninety pounds of gear strapped to my back and absolutely nofood. Right now I have the good fortune to be swaddled in a cocoon of warmth, aflexible exoskeleton that makes me feel like I’m only walking around in anordinary, temperate January afternoon. But soon my fuel will run out, and I’llbe just as exposed to the elements as any other poor bastard would be out here.Then it will only be a matter of time before the blood vessels in my brainfreeze and rupture, leaving me to progressively wither away in the ice-hardeneddunes like some kind of aborted taxidermy project.

All of that only applies if I don’t complete my objective in time, of course.And, let me tell you, that is something I will NOT let happen. I’ve chased thisson of a bitch to the ends of the Earth and back. I’ve plowed through gunfire,pestilence, and the most rabid beasts ever spawned of nature just to keep fromgiving his ass a break. His biggest mistake was thinking I wouldn’t keep up myhunt here. Right now I’m hauling a riot gun packed to the brim with enoughtranquilizer darts to take out an entire county fair in one fell swoop. After Iknock him out and drag him back to the plane, I’ll show that bastard a fate worsethan death… At least fifty times over.

My dick is practically grinding its teeth. "

-Unknown Author.
I gotta agree with Sora High quality post right there. Hows it going guys, you been doing well lately? I sure hope so. Havent been able to play with much of you lately so im hoping to run into some of you guys online soon.
"Follow Me, Everything Is Alright, Ill Be The One To Tuck You In At Night"
Hey hey ToriGod and Josefaldo is now full members!Iaggy:With this account you still in the game for the mecha arms.I just add Faaint and Iaggy post count