Hahahaha devil, you have to stop talking to macrid.
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
I thinked and...Sorry all of you . I was a ddooooorp
Srry caribou, k? ;)
I will nevah go away on 1 feet from you guys :o
Recruited by: Not nessaceraly recruited, but met Fear. Very nice peep. Want to join.
Who are you: Ch0pStick.
why should i care: Who, you or me? :P
Favorite mods: Aikido, twin sword. Running, trying to do wushu. Never tried much more.
Accounts: Ch0pStick, McFluff. Never been band.
Hobbys: Headbutting melons:P Playing the games online. Have a real life too, so if i have time im normaly playing with copper wire & electricity.
why you and not someone else: Me because I want my black belt. Not McFuff. because hes rubbish lol.
references: Fear (I hope) ;)
other: Replay NOOB LEARNING KATA! This is my best work yet lol.
This is pretty good, the only problem i have is that this is your first post. Also go on our irc and post atleast twice a day or more.
haha ya, i usually only play like one day a week, but i start building a house, and im like...hmm maybe one more layer for the wall, then im like...hmmm maybe one more floor, then i run out of materials, and go mine and cut trees down, and it goes from 7pm to like 3am
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos