Avatar/Legend of Korra
Hello guys, I have been meaning to find someone to talk about this with on the forums. Trying to find people with as much intrest as i do.
it was a good series

I won't deny it of it's great and tearjerking parts, but I really don't have much else to say about it anymore besides:

Legend of Korra is good, but sort of dissapoints me. I mean, I know she's supposed to be like aang in some ways but she sort of irritates me. Can't remember why, but yeah.

alright, anyway, i'm gunna go watch Wakfu
Well korra is supposed to be more stuborn like Katara was. If you can tell she is older with an attitude like zuko and what not. She gets mad easy and is self centered. Aang was more mature and wise because he was a monk ya he had his moments but he never really got angry.
I think in general the settings of the second series was too complex. It was an interesting series but I enjoyed the simplicity of the first one.

There were a lot of good plot twists though, especially with the blood benders.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I am excited about the 3rd season.

Have you seen the trailer, you see a glimpse of Zuko on a dragon and I think there might be a new airbender, or it might be korra.
How do you get to know about Anime/Manga?
I want to know everyone stories how they get to know about Anime/Manga


"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Used to watch morning anime as a kid; pokemon, db, dbz, naruto, when I was in high school I picked up TTGL after watching a YT AMD. It was pretty good, so I talked to some guys and they directed me to a lot of stuff.

Downloaded maybe 30 series and watched them. A while later I noticed all the K-On hype here, so I watched that, since then I pretty much just pick 20 or so series every season, and in between try grab a few older series too.

Actually when I watched TTGL I was already reading a lot of manga because it's easy to do on the bus or in class.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I've known anime since elementary school, but I never really watched any. Believe it or not, as a kid I didn't watch popular anime like Naruto, DB, Pokemon, etc. I preferred live-action shows to anime.

I really got into anime September last year. My friend handed me the first volume of Deadman Wonderland manga, I wasn't interested at first but I read it anyway because I was bored. Days later, I finished up the manga and watched the anime. After that I started watching other anime.