Hi I'm in the clan now, that's cool.
My favorite food is pizza, if that conversation is still relevant.
Originally Posted by Galaxy View Post
Hi I'm in the clan now, that's cool.
My favorite food is pizza, if that conversation is still relevant.

What kind of pizza? What toppings?
Welcome Galaxy, glimsped, and me.

Feel free to bring up anything you want here, we arn't a super serious discussion area, we like to have fun.
Yay, hi glimpo.

We won a clan war, Pidgen Viddah, Kyure, and I, some score to another. I've already forgotten. ggs (BOOM)
Hey guys, got something special in mind! Send me some of your replays via PM, please try to keep it to SP replays. Mostly happy with any kind of SP / MP destruction mostly. Also keep your replays clean looking, it looks better when you're still in tact!

Much appreciated guys, thanks!
Last edited by Sparky; Oct 13, 2015 at 11:48 AM.
Anyone ever try the bean boozle challenge?

Well basically the way it goes, is that you give two people a same color jelly bean. One bean is really gross, while the other is sweet and tasty

Well, with my luck, I got the gross one. The flavor was Skunk spray and it tasted like dog crap.