weak troll is weak.
I was like one and the only derp who was sitting der for like half of year : d
I stay in IRC right now... spamm me with messegas if you wanna contact me, so I'll here you

I'm workin in my room and make some fitness training.. so I'll not stay on my pc ^^
postin from my new aspire laptop
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
gratz (; aspire is the shit, enjoy your windows 7 that is like half way supported for games, exactly like the mobileshittygraphiccards etc :P

tell us about your system-hardware NOW

(I've worked on an laptop from my father that had < 300Mhz and wasn't able to run diablo 2 ... you can play dos-games though)
nice. My aspire-laptop can hardly handle css.. battlefield 2 works fine on highest settings

cs does work too without those shitty updates of the last year