so sorry guys i didnt know how long i was offline i was at my dads for a week and i got a little wrapped up in pokemon go #teamblue
We forfeit, you guys can have this win. I just remembered my Toribash is broken and cant launch without crashing.
I doubt all our members would show up anyway, some people could be on holiday.
eyyyy im swoopin by here again for once xD
how did clan league go? did we win anything? (sowwy)xD
and ofc when im swoopin by here i got a replay in my bag wouldnt be me if i hadnt amirite?
SS = selfspar
Attached Files
Reapin' on
Clan league went shit.
I have a replay too, haven't sparred in a while so please don't be too mean. Ending was shit.
Honestly reap, that was a really good self spar. I only disliked a few bits, most of it was good. Uke looked a bit crap.

Edit: I forgot to upload the replay -.-
Attached Files
spar with KazuyaFR.rpl (1.00 MB, 3 views)
Last edited by Boaplitas; Jul 15, 2016 at 10:52 AM.
Rip in clan league fgts

gg 11/10

Is gambitch still alive?
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it