Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes
Age (optional): 15
Where do you live? (optional): N/A
What belt are you?: Orange
Where do you want to improve?: Judo
Favorite mods: Judo
Why do you want to join?: To improve my fighting and prepare myself for "real" clans
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: Yes lol

Last edited by Kisogo; Nov 6, 2011 at 09:19 PM.
Originally Posted by Kisogo View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes
Age (optional): 15
Where do you live? (optional): N/A
What belt are you?: Orange
Where do you want to improve?: Judo
Favorite mods: Judo
Why do you want to join?: To improve my fighting and prepare myself for "real" clans
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: Yes lol


Accepted. Please wait for an invite.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by ToriTroll View Post
Fill out app completely. You missed the last question.

Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes o_O
Age (optional): Wont tell. :<
Where do you live? (optional): Sorry, i wont answer. =<
What belt are you?: Orange belt
Where do you want to improve?: classic, aikido, taekkyon, wushu
Favorite mods: Judo, classic, twinsword4fixed
Why do you want to join?: I want to learn how I can make awesome tricks and join to better clan when im good at Toribash.. =)
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: Yea. ( Not offense but this last question is weird. :o )
Did you read the red messages above the application?: Yes
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Judo
Favorite mods: Wushu, Aikido
Why do you want to join?: I would like to learn how to do better moves in this game and I'd love to be in a clan with other beginners so I can learn with them.
Originally Posted by catman15 View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes o_O
Age (optional): Wont tell. :<
Where do you live? (optional): Sorry, i wont answer. =<
What belt are you?: Orange belt
Where do you want to improve?: classic, aikido, taekkyon, wushu
Favorite mods: Judo, classic, twinsword4fixed
Why do you want to join?: I want to learn how I can make awesome tricks and join to better clan when im good at Toribash.. =)
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: Yea. ( Not offense but this last question is weird. :o )

Invite will be sent soon.

Originally Posted by hibudda View Post
Did you read the red messages above the application?: Yes
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Judo
Favorite mods: Wushu, Aikido
Why do you want to join?: I would like to learn how to do better moves in this game and I'd love to be in a clan with other beginners so I can learn with them.

Please fill out all the needed information.
EDIT to my old one
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes
Age (optional): Not Saying
Where do you live? (optional): Not Saying
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Judo
Favorite mods: Wushu, Akido
Why do you want to join?: I would love to join a clan with other newbies and I really would like to learn more about the agme.
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: Yes

-Forgot about editing option.
Originally Posted by hibudda View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes
Age (optional): Not Saying
Where do you live? (optional): Not Saying
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Judo
Favorite mods: Wushu, Akido
Why do you want to join?: I would love to join a clan with other newbies and I really would like to learn more about the agme.
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: Yes

-Forgot about editing option.

Invite will be sent soon. Accepted.
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes
Age (optional): 15
Where do you live? (optional): Ontario, Canada
What belt are you?: White belt
Where do you want to improve?: Pretty much everything
Favorite mods: In multiplayer Judo and Aikido , in SP classic
Why do you want to join?:Improve my game, socialize about current events happening
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?:Indeed I did
Originally Posted by Samacado View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?:Yes..
Age (optional):I dont give my age.
Where do you live? (optional):Asia...
What belt are you?:Yellow... Near to orange
Where do you want to improve?:Aikado, Judo and...Jousting
Favorite mods:360Goldpeople and twinsword4fixed
Why do you want to join?:Cuz I wanna improve.

your reason is bad and why you dont give your age
Originally Posted by catman15 View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes o_O
Age (optional): Wont tell. :<
Where do you live? (optional): Sorry, i wont answer. =<
What belt are you?: Orange belt
Where do you want to improve?: classic, aikido, taekkyon, wushu
Favorite mods: Judo, classic, twinsword4fixed
Why do you want to join?: I want to learn how I can make awesome tricks and join to better clan when im good at Toribash.. =)
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: Yea. ( Not offense but this last question is weird. :o )

please give your age and where do you live?

You are NOT a supervisor of Bleu, and thus are forbidden from posting in the application thread. Had you actually read the first post here, you would have known this. You would have also known that it is OPTIONAL to give your age and location in the application. Had you also read ALL of the previous posts, you would have seen that these students have already been accepted. If all you're going to do in Bleu is stupid shit you aren't supposed to do, I'll be sure to kick you from the clan in a heartbeat. Matter of fact, if you do this again, I will. -Rayleigh
Last edited by Rayleigh; Nov 8, 2011 at 11:40 PM.