Yes -_- Kindred is cool.

Becomes the ultimate glass cannon once you achieve like . . . 10 hunts. Not very viable choice in competitive play though (since enemies can see your hunt targets).

More cool facts about me:
I mostly play Kindred, Udyr, Evelynn, Braum & uhhh . . . Sona I guess? (also poppy, katarina, vi, and taliyah).
I like support and jungle the most. Ganking, soloing drakes & working behind the scenes is fun. I don't care about kills as much as I do helping the team.
I really love the map pings and I am super responsive on letting people know what's up on the map. I am a noob, but very good communication. Awareness 100% boi.
I never fight over lanes or anything. I usually pick whatever the team needs; I am flexible.

friend me please I always play with crappy people ;-;
Last edited by Yuma; Nov 17, 2017 at 03:24 PM.
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.
Originally Posted by Yuma View Post
I don't care about kills as much as I do helping the team.

Say that one more time and I'll pop your jaw

just kidding

Play for yourself in low elo
Play for the team in high elo

<font face=&quot></font>
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Say that one more time and I'll pop your jaw

just kidding

Play for yourself in low elo
Play for the team in high elo

or you could cover both by having proper macro
My League of Legends story>

5 permabans.

平和 Peace and 戦争 war are abstract concepts.
Because 男性 men always seek 闘争 strife.
hows zoe

should her q get nerfed

the amount of burst it does if done right is really insane

i haven't got the chance to play against any bc she's always banned

miss me with that disney loli shit
She's sorta like Old Azir. Completely disgusting in the right hands.

Her Q isn't really overtuned, but in conjunction with her e and passive it gets nutty. You literally can't miss E at close range, it's a get out of jail free card. The bonus true damage being procced by everyone is sort of crazy strong, and since sleeping people take increased damage her Q basically one shots. The E range extend is also great for closing routes or ganking, if you're Zoe jg. She's like AP Nid. Throw Qs until you land one and they're chunked for 1/3.

Everybody has the habit of using ult to try escaping, and then dying because you're brought back. The RNG of getting actives and sums is dumb. Nothing worse than getting ignited 5 times in 5 minutes. But if it was removed she basically wouldn't have a W.

|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs

If anyone wants to take a crack at making an updated OP, go ahead.

The current one is quite old and outdated for this season(and many before). If you're going to, send me a PM before you do and send me another with the finished product. I myself do not play much league anymore, but the OP needs updating.

I'll be sure to credit you and mention you in the OP.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

I don't use this forum that much anymore except to lurk the league thread but every time I actively come back I say I'm going to remake the OP and I end up not getting around to it, apologies. Would definitely like to see this recreated, however, seeing as this thread has such a massive amount of views and interactions.
I mean if you still want to do it go for it. You are the OP after all. Just kinda thought you were dead here lol.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم