Hey, Sentral probably told you awhile ago that I was going to be on a continued hiatus for awhile due to some harassment going on in my life. This is partially true, but more to the point, my activity will be will be pretty inconsistent. Sometimes I'll be here regularly for a few times, and other times maybe not for a few weeks. I'll try to be around as much as I can, but things will be pretty inconsistent for awhile until I find more stability in my life. The harassment that I was experiencing has become quite a lot less this recent week, so I've had more time to myself, but I'm also managing a number of other things that require my attention. So, I'll be around as much as I can, but there are no guarantees.

Just thought I'd stop by and let you guys know what's going on.

Also, Kratos.
We're not going to be dying and we're not kicking our roster.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Oh ok so... i hope you can back soon.

Uhh, i've lost this... But, happy birthday bro, i'd like to send something... but i don't got much for me... so, how i can send for anyone...? :P
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Nice to see you drop by Rapp.

Today is my 20th Birthday.

Happy 20th fam.

Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Oh ok so... i hope you can back soon.

Uhh, i've lost this... But, happy birthday bro, i'd like to send something... but i don't got much for me... so, how i can send for anyone...? :P

Ah yeah, well, I'm trying as best I can.
Things are just really incredibly difficult right now.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Thanks guys, so what's everyone up to in their lives?

I'm working on a project for college where we have to make a "showcase" kind of webpage thing in Flash. This includes making buttons and making 3d object rotation for the product we chose to showcase. (I just choose a car like most people) It's fun making the stuff, just a lot of clicking and methods to follow haha.
Today I played tons of soccer again.My knees are tired.I kinda realized that nobody can take the ball away from my feet when I dribble(to fast for them lol),but my other soccer skills are around average or below.I can use my weaker(left) foot to shoot but only when the ball is not moving and I have to concentrate for 3 sec so it won't work for anything else but a free kick which I don't get to take.
Last edited by pundzo; Aug 8, 2013 at 12:44 AM.
For practise on your left foot you should play by yourself with a ball running and taking random shots at the goal using only your left foot to take kicks. It took me a year back when I was younger but I was eventually able to use my left foot about the same as my right foot only with less power. The only thing that makes it hard is how your body bends into the kick, which will bend the opposite way if you kick with your weaker foot. Just train your body to know and it'll become like a reflex when you having a open shot with your left foot.
Oh, i've noticed... :P
i can't think about lose a Vip... it makes-me so... sexy...
But some guys don't need it to be sexy, like ConCon.