In-game name?xzasdeded

What are you doing with that rope?wtf is this? swing?

There are two dead fish in your hands, how did they die, and why are they there?they catched and i am sailor

Do you have any references from any member of this clan or from any notable people, and if so, who are they?uhh i dont think so

What is Pandora?a box than contain badness (fear,hate,etc)thx wiki pedia

Who is Pandora?a woman(lol)thx god of war3

What clans have you been in previously?bleu,mfr,-akatsuki

Have you ever been banned or infracted?uhh two time banned

Would you like to declare an expression of a longing to be included within the congregation of many individuals in a desire to converse, said congregation identified sometimes as a whole as plural bamboo subsisting mammalians noted for their monochromatic colors and cuteness?no(wtf is this)

Would you like to declare an expression of a longing to be included within the congregation of many individuals in a desire to converse, said congregation identified sometimes as a whole as plural bamboo subsisting mammalians noted for their monochromatic colors and cuteness?i dont think so

Is there anything crucial that you would like us to know about you?uhh i like rage comic and play god of war 3 ,toribash and i like eat 4232 213 solve it

SushiRoll has been accepted in for a trial period.
This means that, as quoted from the first post *adjusts glasses*

"The trial week means that you will be a member of Pandora for a week, you are encouraged to post on our forums so we may learn your personality.
At the end of the week, there will be a second poll to decide if you will become a full member of Pandora or if you are rejected."

In short, spam our forums when you get bored. Your one week starts when you say so.

Also someone remove my application from the first post, I notice now that it's there again and it makes me awkward. :[
Last edited by Acavado; Jan 8, 2012 at 09:06 AM.