I'm starting to find a lot of aggressive harassing Sorakas now, and it's really putting a poop on my nasus last hitting. On average gettting between +100 to +200 for my q by 10 minutes goes down to +50 against these Sorakas :<

And I cannot find out for the life of me how to counter them early game.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
UGH, I suck playing Soraka.
I can't find a good strategy, I like to heal other people and give myself mana, but the harass thing doesn't really work for me, since I need all the mana to use wisely. Usually mana pots don't do anything, as the mana pretty much goes away in like 5 seconds.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Damn it. Everytime I play ezreal against an other ezreal, I get nervous cause I know how much dmg he can do, so I just play like a noob and fail hard even though I'm the one who normaly get fed up and rock like hell..Do you know this kind of situation ur self?
If yes, what do you do to avoid this?
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
Originally Posted by Chreeys View Post
Damn it. Everytime I play ezreal against an other ezreal, I get nervous cause I know how much dmg he can do, so I just play like a noob and fail hard even though I'm the one who normaly get fed up and rock like hell..Do you know this kind of situation ur self?
If yes, what do you do to avoid this?

Ezreal is kind of a pointless champ at this point, he shines in laning because of his long range skills and harass but his actual damage isn't that good if you're playing with people who know what they're doing. Also, his ult is pretty decent if you're good at predicting movement.
Yeah, mirror matches sometimes worry me, well, they used to (especially jungle mirrors aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa), I just pubstomp normals now so not so much.

Just realize that you are a better ezreal or whatever than your important, and use that to your advantage. Your opponent doesn't know x about your champion, you know why? Because you're better than him.

Confidence, bro.
Do you mean just fighting him in the enemy team or, on your lane?

If its your lane, try and ask for a lane switch, or since you are both squishy focus on dodging his stuff, and couter poking back, after he misses. As you know anyways, staying behind minions block his Q and E (unless jumping over the minions, which in that case, hes going to take damage from your minions (early game).
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

@Lume: Ezreal rocks hell and is so fun to play !!

The game with the red box around it was the one against this ezreal, btw. also worst stats ever See my normal stats without ezreal in enemy team..I also got way better games but these were my last games so I can't show u the better ones.
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
Originally Posted by Chreeys View Post
@Lume: Ezreal rocks hell and is so fun to play !!

The game with the red box around it was the one against this ezreal, btw. also worst stats ever See my normal stats without ezreal in enemy team..I also got way better games but these were my last games so I can't show u the better ones.

Maybe in normal games but in ranked games he's barely ever picked :/

Also, if you're having THAT much trouble midding against an ezreal then either -

A) call for a gank
B) switch lanes with someone, almost anyone is a viable mid
C) play defensive

Don't know how midding against ezreal turned it into an 0-9 game
Not like ezreal's laning is awful or anything. You shouldnt be having any issues unless you're letting him hit you with his q every single time