Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Thats the bad thing with norms. You get a large spectrum of people.

Someone in that game with draven said he was a smurf, wich migh explain his axe catching skills.

Yeah that's exactly why I'm doing placement matches. I'd so much rather place Bronze 3 and climb back to Platinum when or if I ever deserve it than play even 1 more game where I go like... 3 kills 14 deaths on a carrying champion.

Everything is insanely backwards from when I played it. New masteries, new rune tendencies, champions who I enjoyed playing have been reworked, like "Oh man Graves isn't an ADC he's a jungler", freaking some guy played "AP Nasus, maxing E first" annihilated you and I the other day. Like what? Zilean's a strong midlane champion what?

I honestly have no grasp. It feels like... everyone dies immediately? Like everyone. I've played tanks... with like.. full armor and health and magic resist... and just explode? But likewise... I feel like I do just, no damage. The ONLY time I've felt like I've done damage so far was when I got fed as Heimerdinger top or Fed as all get out as Draven, and then it just hit the tipping point you know? Like as Draven... I just hit Q.... and tapped Twitch, and he's at like... 45% health. I'm like what I haven't done anything and now you're just like dead.

I'm sure all this is just me being super super bad. Feels weird though. Hope I place into a bad league and just "experience" league and enjoy it. Maybe mute everyone since MOBAs are toxic AF.
You probably just need to adjust to all the changes. Give it time.

You also chose to come back where the cheese of the day is leathality. So building armor is kinda tricky (from what I can tell. I could be wrong, but Im fairly sure its whats meta atm.)

Might be worth doing research and figuring out some of the weider changes, like graves adc. Or that ryze got about a million different reworks.
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
I'm sure all this is just me being super super bad. Feels weird though. Hope I place into a bad league and just "experience" league and enjoy it. Maybe mute everyone since MOBAs are toxic AF.

suddenly you are enjoying the game so much more and are winning more games not trying to worry about not getting flamed by your teammates that know equally as much nothing as you
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
Have you taken the time to buy a mouse yet Bod? Please don't tell me you're still using a trackpad ahaha

CLG DeathAdder mouse, steel series + CSGO pro style mousepad, BenQ 144HZ refresh rate, mechanical keyboard with cherries

FUUUUAAAAAHKKK guys. I played my placement matches, and went 2-8. Which is good, I was hoping to do poorly and learn from playing equally bad players. Was hoping for high Bronze...

Silver 1? Really?!? Almost gold?!? MAAN
Usually not one to complain about summs, but going proper/meta summs will help you moreso already.

For instance, Flash is necessary unless you play a champ that will benefit from Ghost better. So one of the two (unless you're a rarity like shaco), then typically Ghost Ignite, Teleport, or a matchup specific sum to match (unless you're adc or support, in which case your options are gutted). You went 12/6 on heim which is dope and you literally landed higher than me already. So you're not as bad as you think unless this game happened to be a fluke. Besides, if you shit the bed in high silver you can always demote pretty fast.

If I'm not duoing with somebody already message me and we can play. You already added me, so.

Also please put pictures in spoilers for the love of neptune
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Hey guys I recently got into LoL and it's enjoyable. I've really just played 3 games of Kha'zix and I didn't know he was jungle until 2 games in and on the third game I tried to jungle and failed miserably so I went ganking and kept failing miserably :L. Could anyone give me good videos or links on how to jungle as Kha'zix?
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky