Hey,people`s! lol
I had a good summer how about you guys?
My summer consisted of mainly sleeping,eating,doctors and lots and lots of soccer.
Now the soccer season starts again,one of the current players in our team decided
to quit soccer,probably because he sees with his abilities he won`t move up
from the local league.Well I don`t realy care about it,since it was his decision
not mine.Why is this important?Because now I am one of the only players who
can play the role of a striker(I can play other positions to,my favourite is attacking
midfielder),which will mean I will become part of the starting eleven while not even
the age required(16 with doctors permission,17 and over without one,and I`m currently
15).Although it`s not a competitive league and the player`s for the leagues team
just gather from the village they are located in it still makes me proud.Since it`s
not a competitive league it happens that player under the age requirment play but it`s
very rare for them to play in the starting eleven,they`re usually just subs who get to play
for 5 min`s since their isn`t a team for U16 in the town/village they are in.
Last edited by pundzo; Jul 22, 2013 at 12:57 PM.
Sounds very interesting, I used to play soccer in my early highschool years. It really keeps you fit and in shape.
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
oh no, that sucks... Please, don't let this clan die guys, the only problem about this abscense is that just have 1 active member... õ.o

Essence isn't going to die.
It's survived worse on a lot less.

Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Ok, i hope so... Does you think that recruitment is necessary? I really think that it's, because a lot of members stays inactive..

Recruitment isn't necessary.
We still have a decent amount of activity.
Essence will be fine.

Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
Hi ConCon. c: So guys, maybe now that Electric is official, we should host a joint event similar to SummerBash. :P Electric and Essence!

Congratulations on becoming official.
That'd be a good idea. What would it be specifically do you think?
I could clear some time for that.

Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
An event would make the popularity of Essence big again, so more people will apply to join.

I don't think hosting one event is going to make us big.
We're not exactly looking for new members either even though we welcome them.
Mainly we're just a quiet social clan.

Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
I think its a good idea, however I think we should wait on sentral to decide on that one.

I'll leave the final decision with you since you're the most active in-lead around here.
I'm on-board though.
I'll talk to rappunk23 and see if he can make it too.
<[Obey]Jojo> wanna do a duet on tiktok
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Sounds very interesting, I used to play soccer in my early highschool years. It really keeps you fit and in shape.

Yeah,I have something close to a six pack xd .Since it`s the pre season training for friendly`s and to get back the lost stamina during summer the thing we do most is run,yesterday we only ran 8 miles,but today we will probably do more.Games are on Sundays(they`re gonna be all friendlys until about the time school starts)and practice is from Tuesday to Friday,my shoulders hurt when I wake up every day.How did you play,competitively or recreational?In Croatia almost everybody plays soccer so it`s a lot of fun since you can call 10 of your random friends to come play soccer with you and they will drop things they are doing and come playing.We all play soccer since around the age of 3 or 2,and in a club since we were 6 or so.It`s something that`s a part of us all.
Last edited by pundzo; Jul 24, 2013 at 01:17 PM.
Oh thats pretty cool, I just played soccer as a sport in school. I didn't really play anywhere other than school, but during those times I often spent like 6 hours a day outside kicking the ball around with friends at my house. We had a few matches against other school every so often so sometimes it was competitive but most of the time it was just for fun. It gave me a purpose to life hahaha. Even had a girlfriend who would watch me play at school when I was 15, good times haha. (Guy tries to show off in front of girlfriend lol).

But by the time I changed schools (around 16 and a half years old) the new school didn't have a soccer field and didn't offer it as a sport, which honestly sucked so much. And little by little I stopped playing altogether. My only hobby nowadays is creating youtube videos.
You know,I think of moving schools just so I can play soccer.There is this big city in Croatia called Osijek,it has a soccer team that is in the Croatian First league,and also a U16 team that is also in the first league for their age group.They have a big stadium and all the other things professionals need(doctors,coaches,youth team,tons of training etc...).If I went to a school that was nearby my dad could work out something with this guy from Austria he know`s or so he said.

P.S. I would show of too if I had a girlfriend lol.
Haha, well I hope it all works out for you man. I miss playing sometimes but its not easy to find a "local" club where I live.