Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
No you definitely just suck. Orianna's burst is not quite as strong as lux's at around level 6, but as soon as ~25 minutes orianna outclasses lux in everyway.

You shouldnt be having that many mana issues, with some mana regen yellows you should be fine. You DEFINITELY shouldnt be spamming her ball nonstop, because that just pushes the lane.

Assuming hitting minions with the ball all the time. She has the range to harras players, she should be using it, amiright?
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Yes, but you shouldnt go out of your way to harrass them and lose cs.

Passive laning with occasional burst every wave or so is so much better than wasting all your mana in 2 waves and losing 80% of the creeps
What do you guys think of wukong? Do any of you guys think he's gonna be a good hero, maybe build thoughts on him, or anything?

I'm pretty excited for him. His ulti looks a little bit like Garen's though.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
What do you guys think of wukong? Do any of you guys think he's gonna be a good hero, maybe build thoughts on him, or anything?

I'm pretty excited for him. His ulti looks a little bit like Garen's though.

God forbid two champions in this game have similar looking abilities that do different things.

Also I'm assuming you meant Garen's E. I really hope you did for the sake of my sanity.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Yea, I forgot to put that. I didn't mean Garen's ult, I meant that wukongs ult looked like one of garen's abilities..
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Well, pretty sad that orianna will probably be getting nerfs this patch. I mean, she deserves it, but she's my favorite </3

Her lane control is atm way too strong. I picked off a lux mid twice with harrass/burst and still managed to get around 170 cs by 20 minutes, and then with that much farm orianna can pretty much just run around bursting down ANYTHING in her path

I guess her damage is reasonable because she's moderately difficult to play, but still, she's a little too strong in her current state :/
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Well, pretty sad that orianna will probably be getting nerfs this patch. I mean, she deserves it, but she's my favorite </3

Her lane control is atm way too strong. I picked off a lux mid twice with harrass/burst and still managed to get around 170 cs by 20 minutes, and then with that much farm orianna can pretty much just run around bursting down ANYTHING in her path

I guess her damage is reasonable because she's moderately difficult to play, but still, she's a little too strong in her current state :/

Yeah, she's to strong, especially her lane control is OP.
Hopefully, she won't get to much nerved so that nobody want's to play her ..
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Orianna is OP because, while she can out-damage some casters, she also has lots of CC. And I hope she will be nerfed into oblivion, because I don't play her anyway

And btw, Lux seems to me like not the best choice whatsoever. She is fun to play (and I do pick her sometimes) but there are more viable choices.
Originally Posted by Korvin View Post
Orianna is OP because, while she can out-damage some casters, she also has lots of CC. And I hope she will be nerfed into oblivion, because I don't play her anyway

And btw, Lux seems to me like not the best choice whatsoever. She is fun to play (and I do pick her sometimes) but there are more viable choices.

>lots of cc

No, you're wrong. She has minimal cc, but a hell of a lot of utility and has a crazy team fight presence.

Her slow isnt that strong, but I guess her ult can be considered cc, but I just think of it as a destroyer of positioning, which I guess is cc
