haha well, it is from a flash series.
and if you have ever drawn on a computer, you can really appreciate how well done they are.

watch from Bitey of Brackenwood to The last of the Dashkin.
those are the ones made by adam phillips.

the first one isnt that amazing looking, but if you watch them all, you see his progression.
the latest one he made, The last of the Dashkin, is fucking incredible
Last edited by Pv2Caribou; Feb 15, 2011 at 01:19 AM.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Originally Posted by c2petion View Post
xD lol'd at devs. but really dont make fun of the dude he cuz he made a stupid misstake, i mean we'ev all done that to.

i for example shoveld aikidoKP when he tested me xD

@fear: never!
Porter Robinson is the shit
hahaha u just cant stay away can you ise?
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
[19:32] <PV2Caribou> we need to recruit people
[19:32] <PV2Caribou> we have like 5 people....
[19:32] <PV2Caribou> dev never posts
[19:32] <PV2Caribou> so 4
[19:32] <PV2Caribou> and fear never plays
[19:32] <PV2Caribou> so 3
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> mac is 11
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> so 2
[19:33] <Lawlie> lol
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> and your gay
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> so 1
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> I AM THE ENTIRE CLAN
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> and kill i guess
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> since i forgot him
[19:33] <Lawlie> lol
[19:33] <Lawlie> so 2
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> meh
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> he is always getting banned
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> soooo
[19:33] <PV2Caribou> hes out too
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Lold so hard, cept for the part that i am gay -_-''
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage