Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
So far, it seems that you should be able to run toribash. Like, totally.

Do note, my laptop runs hot about 10 minutes after I start up any game. To like, burns-your-hand-if-you-touch-the-underside-of-it hot.

And then, it runs slow as shit. And games lag.
So, I have to run games on low/lowest/custom settings to get them to run decently if I want to get a decent gaming session in.

I can't be bothered to get my laptop fixed and all properly set up for gaming, cause I'm saving up for a gaming pc, and what not.

Anywho, AC3 is cool. Not as good as what it was hyped up to be, but it's good.
Combat is awesome. You more or less have to completely relearn how to block/counter/throw/killstreak, though. But, once you get used to it, fights become fucking awesome as.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Do note, my laptop runs hot about 10 minutes after I start up any game. To like, burns-your-hand-if-you-touch-the-underside-of-it hot.

Hahah same here. Opening and cleaning it really helps.

@arthur: I was actually thinking about flash :p
J0Y, wouldn't it be a bit... inneficient?
I mean, we won't be able to make anything too complex then.
But yeah, it's a nice option. Even though I totally suck at ActionScript xd
I can do dem arts, tho'.
Edit: Also, you should totally join our irc channel :<
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by J0Y View Post
Hahah same here. Opening and cleaning it really helps.

Lately, I just cant be bothered.
That, and I don't have the right sized screwdriver the undo the screws.
But laziness is the main reason I don't clean out the inside of the laptop.
Last edited by kameron; Jan 17, 2013 at 02:58 PM.
I Rise Again!
I'm not dead, just broke and jobless still. Missing this game and the interwebz.
I used all my cash to pay for my new school and stuff.
I'm gonna be an airplane technitian!

Damn I miss you guys and your silly..silliness..
Btw, why is trixiac in the red candy van?
(Using my phone btw. Where 's the IRC again?)
Last edited by Kamouri; Jan 17, 2013 at 07:22 PM.
speaking of the OP, change my name in ally list :o

also put me first since I'm like the most active ally ever

also Kamouri, good luck man, I really hope life works out for you ;)
Kamouri <3
Been missing you too ;-;
Hope your life gets better.
Also, lots of things happened... You should accept the invite I've sent you ages ago ._.

And about Trix... whatever. Not like we remember her anymore or anything... Still made me draw that best head evah.
Also, the van is a place for "special" people. Like, including "enemies".

And the irc channel always is
Urgh. As you can see, we've gotten a bit more inactive...
missed the chance to talk with an ol' friend ;-;
asdfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfasdfasdfasdfa sdvsrwaervawecwedqesazds

edit: you probably already have noticed that the first post is not being edited. lol
lazy as fuck.
edit2: Kam, your phone probably doesn't support the in-browser irc anyways. Unless it's an android or possibly iphone(not sure 'bout that, tho')
Last edited by Arthur; Jan 17, 2013 at 09:25 PM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc

my wushu mate is back,
wb kamouri

as for irc, my phone supports it but my connection doesn't