Yep, we are not old enough, thats why we'r not in, also, yes, after these two wars i checked and we had active war with Detailed, so, no need to fight about it, there will be many, many other wars, also they attitude was bad, banning because they can't wait two figts, pretty mean, thats why i decided putting them to enemys for reason, they should at least say, no war then but not just banning everyone.
True lets just throw all this to the side and carry on to acheive rank 1
TeamG23 l TeamAkido l Team Teakyon l Team Ninjutsu l TeamVoC
Oh yeah i forgot the clan has to be 2 month old
One more thing how do i see how many points our clan has, and how many points do you get if you win a war?Sorry no one ever told me :l
Last edited by MaryJane; Aug 25, 2014 at 12:30 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I joined when this clan was under a week old ive been waiting so loooooooooonnnnnggggggg
[The War Master of VoC]
We will get there, soon xD

Also and one wanna buy this set Deatails are here
I just watched the clan video i wish i was in it, it looks amazing
Last edited by MaryJane; Aug 25, 2014 at 01:23 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by DrKXD View Post
We will get there, soon xD

Also and one wanna buy this set Deatails are here
I just watched the clan video i wish i was in it, it looks amazing

I would buy it but I don't have any textures but head. </3
Ah Shit.
Cant wait for next clan wars. We definitley have potential to place
Why happened to Turde by the way?
Last edited by Eddylee; Aug 25, 2014 at 03:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Don't Be Racist
Well, he get job, girlfriend, and also banned on his main... so, have no time for TB, clan, he gave clan to my control and as you see I don't give a fuck XD
Also, he want to come back, good, he's skilled and with him I can own 89% of wars, let's see how it will roll, his current nick is iSublime.
I completely missed out on everything that just happened....
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