Boap thanks for invting me back i couldn't stay away from this clan (PUt me back in my fallen angel rank ples)
With blood comes cleansing.
Boap, I've sent 2.9k tc to PentaBank, so you could change the clan logo or whatever you want to do with the cash :>
Guys, I suggest that you test realmagic. I've played with avramiancu and him and he's really good he told me that he'll apply on our thread.
Last edited by Skervesen; Aug 22, 2015 at 06:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Lol gambi

I lost a war against WM guys... bit of advice, don't war them when the leader is around! He rekt me 10-8 in a solo.
There was another member there also, I wasn't playing that well but they made some really good moves.

Also I cleaned my keyboard today and it was disgusting
First time doing it in... about 2 or 3 years and I eat at my keyboard quite a lot...
It was just dust and crumbs xD
I fought a WM guy in judofrac and wrecked him. I don't know how high ranked he was, but he seemed pretty noob. They might just have an elite squad or something
Hi my name is isaiah and i like pies im new to this clan so if youre nice pls help me out ;-;.
Uuh my ingame name is jsrfking but you would be able to see that in the upper right corner of this post so this post section is basically useless.

Heres some stuff about me
Favorite word: Hoy
Favorite food:Pizza
Favorite mod: aikido
Favorite show:Probably
I also play the violin and viola
Im goot at science
Uhhhhh Sooo Do i get my cookie now boap?