Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
I meant worried that we are gonna lose most of our people .... xD But yes I shall climb the ladder
I think we should have a sort of get together in-game, we would have to work with people timetables to try and get the majority in.
I think we should use GMT times. We could all just chat and learn to get better at modsshare tips and takes turns at trying to beat B4CK and BBKing....

The time difference between the us and east asia is a bit too large for members from both places to be online at the same time.
There is often a little get together in the public rk mma room in the morning (gmt)
I will make a skype thread if you guys want to have each others skype.

My skype: TimmyboyG

Damn my escape button and my left button broke because someone on skype made me laugh while I was drinking lemonade.

i am a bird now - Lil B

My timezone works out well. I have an Australian friend and we can play minecraft together a lot, and, Timmy, your and BBKing's time barely fit into my schedule. Im lucky you guys stay up late. What is it 12:00 there? Bye.

P.S. Do you guys like my new sig?
Someone who thinks death is the scariest thing doesn't know a thing about life.
Hm, i like the idea "Kickin week" but i dont understand what you mean by subing to the thread :C
If you sub to the thread it will let you know threw email of what is posted on that thread. It's handy if you see your email more than what you are active. And can be very useful in many other ways. Bye.
Someone who thinks death is the scariest thing doesn't know a thing about life.
Well, I, being in south-east asia, I only get to meet everyone else from the other side of the globe at night. That doesn't stop me from being active though, I always stay up late (for homework and toribash) xD
Heart of Gold
Well you can also do a simple subscription.. at the top of each thread you have a menu task. click 'thread tools' -> 'subscribe to this thread' -> 'add subscription'
when you go to the ucp 'user control panel' you will see all the subscribed threads who got new posts. You can also subscribe to whole boards btw.. ;)
Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
Oh hey Goughy! How are you mate?

I'm good thanks how're you?
Originally Posted by PingPong19 View Post
Hey gouhgy I saw your forum set when I just started toribash and I was like... He is the God of all foeum sets. It's a pretty nice set. On a sidenote we still need leaders for the squads of Envy, Lust, Pride, and Greed. So, if you are warrior monk and in one of those squads I hope you apply so I and BBKing won't have to pick it for your squad. Bye.

I am the god of all forum sets no one can beat this >:{

Hey guys. Guess what... I'm sick again. The stupid sicknesses that I get are stupid. I hope I get better soon but this will not render from my activity. Bye.
Someone who thinks death is the scariest thing doesn't know a thing about life.
Originally Posted by PingPong19 View Post
Hey guys. Guess what... I'm sick again. The stupid sicknesses that I get are stupid. I hope I get better soon but this will not render from my activity. Bye.

eat more fruit. I heard thats good for your immune system

i am a bird now - Lil B

yeah.. but wash them before you eat them.. cause of pesticides! and if you dont like fruits, drink smoothies ;)