For killer, I'll do deady's a bit later today.

The kick still isn't as fast as I like it but it looks cool, and it will probably work in mp as long as people don't rush you.
Attached Files
killer3366 op.rpl (16.7 KB, 18 views)
[A L P H A]
And for my man deady

Deady 4: I think the punch is a little shallow and doesn't have much reach but that's for people who rushes. And the theres a long range flying kick :3

Deady 5: Yes, I probably went overboard editing and this version will probably not work unless the other guy stands still for about 2 turns. But you have a contracted knee infront for people who come forward before the big kick.

Yar, I'll be off to study nao :3
Attached Files
deady 4.rpl (22.2 KB, 9 views)
deady 5.rpl (27.8 KB, 8 views)
[A L P H A]
@killer: [edit] couldn't make something cooler than schecz. I just lowered a bit the kicks.

@deady: that opener has potential, you can turn it into anything u want, and i got the proof: I made an helico out of it
Attached Files
deady helico.rpl (13.8 KB, 10 views)
killer.rpl (14.0 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by maldiluna; Feb 5, 2009 at 09:50 AM.
I was fiddling around in sp and come up with a cool looking opener.

The second variation looks like one of Sahee's moves, I think. Can you post your one Sah so I can see how yours works?
Attached Files
me 1.rpl (16.9 KB, 11 views)
me 2.rpl (14.1 KB, 11 views)
[A L P H A]
thanks for the help guys.

Shec...I feel sort of like Im telling a maestro how to play piano here, but I edited your replay too I contracted the hip to give more power on the second turn. Its cool though because it has the same effect as a sweep, but probably more force behind it.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
uhm idk if i have to be in the clan to do this but can you guys plas perfect my heli? D: the problem is is that the kick is alittle low can you get i just alittle bit higher?
Attached Files
01 pls perfect .rpl (14.0 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by nevil; Feb 8, 2009 at 05:41 AM.
Today i decided to learn the heli

I got the first move off of Argentum's perpetual heli thing to get me started, so the credit for that goes to him

i went on from there on my own

My problem is that the head is too close to the ground, making me dq VERY easily. It's fine in SP, but in MP, it's just too delicate right now

can you guys help me?

(BTW i saw JoJo and schecz ingame today in wushu and they recommended me to post it here for help)

Attached Files
FailHeli.rpl (281 Bytes, 10 views)
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Change it to wushufixed.tbm, nevil. Then post here again because i'm too lazy to do that myself :P

And DarkJak, that replays doesn't work for me...
[A L P H A]