Originally Posted by MindSwiped View Post
Age: 15
Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans: Aeon
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other):
Infraction History: none exept my old account got hacked 5td dan
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc):
My old account was hacked almost a year ago during tb was offline.Btw i started this account like 3 days ago and really want to join a clan willing to accept a green belt..............well thats my story.

Age: 14 (2 weeks to 15)

Belt/Qi (User Card):

Past Clans: officials: [RAM] [MFR] [a]
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): I write Articles, I can give examples if you want me to.

Infraction History: 4 Infractions and 2 bans.
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc):
-> I am a boy who likes to read books, eat and have fun. I am easy to get along with, I help a lot of people, (in real life and toribash). I am really friendly and sweet. I like to hang out with friends.

->Let me tell you a bit about my fighting style. Once I play aikido, I start on with a normal or advanced starter. Then it's all about improvising to me, if I'm losing, I do whatever I can to turn it into a win with my previous experience of losing! With my experience, I regain balance, if something is fractured, i consider it as relaxed. It's pretty easy to me actually. Belts don't matter, skills don't matter, experience does.

Replays: Post here at least 3 replays
KooK - Madman#1.rpl
KooK - Aikido Brawl.rpl
KooK - Boomad%D2.rpl

Well, Most of you may not like me or know me. I was really scared of getting shamed and denied later on. Before some of you say "GTFO!" or "Get ye' Out fag" i WOULD like you to know, I am a good member and one of the old members of the community and still struggling to hang on. You guys are on e of the Best and MOST SUCCESSFUL clans I've ever seen, and I came back to join you guys. You are proud, skilled, more of a all rounder. Some clans are just like, forum based, but you guys are all rounded. I just could not stop myself from coming back.

Thanks you
Originally Posted by MindSwiped View Post
why not?

I voted no because I decided to.

Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Age: 14 (2 weeks to 15)

Belt/Qi (User Card):

Past Clans: officials: [RAM] [MFR] [a]
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): I write Articles, I can give examples if you want me to.

Infraction History: 4 Infractions and 2 bans.
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc):
-> I am a boy who likes to read books, eat and have fun. I am easy to get along with, I help a lot of people, (in real life and toribash). I am really friendly and sweet. I like to hang out with friends.

->Let me tell you a bit about my fighting style. Once I play aikido, I start on with a normal or advanced starter. Then it's all about improvising to me, if I'm losing, I do whatever I can to turn it into a win with my previous experience of losing! With my experience, I regain balance, if something is fractured, i consider it as relaxed. It's pretty easy to me actually. Belts don't matter, skills don't matter, experience does.

Replays: Post here at least 3 replays
KooK - Madman#1.rpl
KooK - Aikido Brawl.rpl
KooK - Boomad%D2.rpl

Well, Most of you may not like me or know me. I was really scared of getting shamed and denied later on. Before some of you say "GTFO!" or "Get ye' Out fag" i WOULD like you to know, I am a good member and one of the old members of the community and still struggling to hang on. You guys are on e of the Best and MOST SUCCESSFUL clans I've ever seen, and I came back to join you guys. You are proud, skilled, more of a all rounder. Some clans are just like, forum based, but you guys are all rounded. I just could not stop myself from coming back.

Thanks you

Nice app. Weak replays, Ill have to see ingame if he wants to change my opinion but im neutral on this kid. :L
Hmm, I can come in-game now if you want me to.
PM me the the room name and I'll be there in a flash.
If anymore information is required on me, just say so.
I'll check very often and, see if I'm accepted rejected.
@mindswiped: rejected.
@kooky: God damn it, finally some considering worthy application.
I write Articles, I can give examples if you want me to.

Do it.
and 2 bans.


Replays are weak, that's why your skills, or experience as you said, will be checked in-game.
I may not find enough time to go in-game ( final high school exams, I'm kinda off till the end of month ), so I will rely on my clanmates opinions, try to met as many of them as you can.

PS. Irc is very useful shit, ya kno' ( yet it's hard to catch there more than 5-6 members at once - different GMTs and so on )
PS2. Thread in oven posted.
Last edited by Powas; May 15, 2011 at 12:11 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Niggers don't test someone if don't know to test someone
I'm playing Brink at the moment
Cocky, What's your GMT and where do you live?
^^ Oh just got scammed that's all.
By the way, bought this account.
Inside Singapore’s Culture

Author: KooKy

Two years ago, I visited Singapore. As far as I remember, it was the most fascinating sight I’ve ever seen. After reaching out hotel, we were very tired and sleepy; it was 1:39 Am in the morning! So we just changed our clothes, took dinner and went straight to bed. Approximately at about 6:36 we woke up in the morning, we had to go and have breakfast. Our plan for today was to get introduced to the beautiful culture of the country. Before we knew it, we got really close to the people here in Singapore! It was too early to go to bed. I was very keen to go somewhere and have a great time with my mother. So we decided to go to the Singapore “National Bird Park”! And I must say, the taxi was the most luxurious car I’ve ever seen. Well, GPS tracking system, TV monitor and small sign that shows that it’s booked or not, what else!? The taxi driver, unlike my country could speak English. And I must say he was a jolly man! He wouldn’t even let us say without our seatbelts on!

Once we reached the park, I was speechless to the beautiful sight. I was very excited to see more. Once we started our tour, we got a map of the place. The people there were very kind to us; they greeted us with a lot of care and love. First we visited the penguins’ room. The penguins were locked up in a glass room filled with sixteen to twenty air conditioners! It was a fascinating sight for even that we could see them swim underwater. Then we headed for the flamingo pool. All I saw at first was pink. Pink everywhere. I was astonished to see so many flamingos. We took a few pictures there. Then we headed over to the macaw birds. It’s amazing to see that they don’t move, it’s the calmest bird in the world. I forgot to mention my mother and I were roaming all this time with her colleague. Her colleague had a daughter of 8 years old. She wanted to see the “Bird’s Show” in the other side of the park. So we had to take a train and roam the whole place all at once! I was really upset that I didn’t get to see everything in the park. I sat upset in the train while I missed all the beauty and culture of the park. Well we did get the see the birds in the borders where the train was going through, but all the interesting parts with the amazing species of birds and the huge species of birds were found in the middle. Well, we headed over to the show, I hardly remember anything from that show, all I remember was that it started with a bird playing basket ball! Then the master of an eagle pointed the eagle at a man and the eagle flew to the man and took his money from his shirt pocket. I dropped my mouth open and clapped with amazement! And the eagle took the money and put it into its master’s pocket. Then the eagle returned the money again! I can’t literally remember the ending.

The next day, I woke up at 8:30 in the morning. We had plans to go to a underwater sea aquarium! Then we planned after that’s done, we were going to go to the beach and watch another drama, not on stage, in the beach! Then we headed off after 2 hours after breakfast which was about 11:00. It took half-an-hour to reach the aquarium and we went under the sea! Well we didn’t drown because we were under bullet proof glass. We were surrounded by fish! The shark was pretty astonishing and scary to look at. The angel fish was hilarious! After this we had lunch, guess what I had for lunch. Squid! That was the first time I ever had squid. Then we headed down to the beach, enjoyed the tide for an hour. Then we went to the show. The show started with a few kids talking to imaginary creatures similar to fairy tales. They projected light into shot up water in such a way; it actually seemed that the creature was floating! The smoke effect was pretty cool. Then the spectacular part; water that shot out of small pipes hidden in the ground was exactly like magma! I really got scared for the first time, but then the next I laughed with astonishment.

This was the most enjoyable part of my life till now. I live in such a country where nothing can get more exciting than watching television.

What does WAR accomplish??

Author: KooKy

Every year, more than 100 billion people suffer for war. Food and water is scarce. Cities and towns are extinguished. People are homeless. Children are in agony for hunger. Is their any need to this none-sense? Can’t people solve the problem simply? Isn’t their any other way to solve problems except war? People are making their own race extinct! A wise man once told me, the moment we stop caring for each other is the moment when we stop caring about humanity. Iraq has been in war for the past 10 years with the Americans. What have both the countries accomplished? Nothing. The result was people dead, homes demolished and absence of peace.

Many of you are familiar with the 9/11 aren’t you? This should not be said public, but everyone deserves to know the truth (SIDQ). The 9/11 terrorist attack was pre-planned. W. Bush needed a reason to attack Afghanistan. In order to destroy the Muslims, Afghanistan was a large target. I will explain to you why he is after the Muslims in another article. Iraq has been in vein for 10 years. The Briton attacked Afghanistan as well. There is no meaning to this! Millions of people are dying in vein and innocence for no reason? Something should be done. You may be thinking what change can I make right? Oh, do believe me one person is enough to make a change to the whole world.

China’s Air Pollution

Author: KooKy

China is one of the most densely populated countries of the world. It is almost excruciating to see how much China is suffering. China is a large country, large countries come with large factories and large factories come with large amount of pollution. About 12,000 chimneys can be seen releasing smoke everyday. At the end of the day, approximately 160 billion cigarettes have been smoked. China’s traffic increased a lot in the past decade. When children in school are told to draw scenery, they rarely use the color blue. At night, absolutely no stars in the night sky can be seen. China deploys four to five nuclear bomb a.k.a. hydrogen bomb tests every year. All these carbon dioxide and methane, is heating up the earth by 12.7% every year. Methane is ten times deadlier than carbon dioxide, which means it heats up china ten times more then carbon dioxide. Tons and tons of smoke is produced everyday. The suffering people don’t realize that they are harming themselves. They continue on what they are doing. 11% of China’s people suffer from lung cancer every year. So they live and so they die. Having no idea on what is causing them to. We should stop polluting. Considering the fact that pollution of factories cannot be stopped due to the fact that the production of our daily needs will come to an end. So while polluting we should counter pollute. Many schools and institution are preserving parks and farms to plant trees. The US has approximately 3,500 institutions and parks preserved for trees to be grown. Similar to the US for everyone in their countries, should counter pollute while polluting. If you shop down a tree, it is very important to plant two trees. Your life is on the line. Please preserve trees.

. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot