I understand that
If you are able to listen to nyan cat 3 times in a row
there is really no other possibillity :P
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
I understand that
If you are able to listen to nyan cat 3 times in a row
there is really no other possibillity :P

I lol'd kind of hard at that xD. The song is nice, but the lyrics are a bit average. If you want some really exceptional lyrics, look for Insomnium songs.

Anyways been shuffling my playlist songs now and I came across a song I used to love, and now it's getting back at the top for me
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
I understand that
If you are able to listen to nyan cat 3 times in a row
there is really no other possibillity :P

No no no, You are going to explain why those lyrics are post worthy and goddamnit you're going to tell me that it's not just some stupid ass thing bitching about the US government.
No no no, You are going to explain why those lyrics are post worthy and goddamnit you're going to tell me that it's not just some stupid ass thing bitching about the US government.

It is not just about the american government, there are examples being made.
And america's history is just good with supplying these examples.
If you take the time to read or listen to it, you would know that.
But you obviously protest before paying attention.

And so what if it hypothetically was? What would the problem with that be?
It still has very good points in it, lyrics sound nice at thesame time
and music is nice as well.

So I am affraid I must inform you, the only one bitching, is you Hippy.:P

Now please explain to me why Nyan cat is nice?
After all I seem to recall you honoring that with its very own thread. xD

We are clashing so much Hippy I swear there must be some sexual tention between us, go watch some porn so it wears of.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
i lol'd at the emoticons in bold:d
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Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
So I am affraid I must inform you, the only one bitching, is you Hippy.:P

Now please explain to me why Nyan cat is nice?
After all I seem to recall you honoring that with its very own thread. xD
We are clashing so much Hippy I swear there must be some sexual tention between us, go watch some porn so it wears of.

xD you asshole, you spelled tension wrong and you spelled off wrong

Nyan Cat is epic because the specific sequence of vibrations when nyan is spoken with appropriate pitch stimulates epic glands near our genitalia and when these epic glands are sufficiently stimulated it causes fail spores to secrete from our skin leaving room for epicsauce (which is also a product of the particular pattern of soundwaves) to take its place. Finally once the symbiosis of the epicsauce of our bodies are completed we let out a loud "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", as a temporary side effect of combining with the epicsauce which sounds very much like:
The end of the first SPARTAAAAA

That's a real explanation.
Last edited by Hippybob; Apr 20, 2011 at 07:59 PM.
xD you asshole, you spelled tension wrong and you spelled off wrong

Waarom ga jij niet even de voordeur dichtdoen, jij astronaut dan kun je op mijn schiereiland zuigen.

met je rode laarzen en je roze tutu dansend door een mieren nest.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Waarom ga jij niet even de voordeur dichtdoen, jij astronaut dan kun je op mijn schiereiland zuigen.

met je rode laarzen en je roze tutu dansend door een mieren nest.

ok ._.
Did I spell something wrong there? xD
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"