Originally Posted by ATM View Post
[Im no person to judge on belts but if you read the first page you will see that there is an opening for lower belts too.]

[Ya they are fun and stuff but they seriously won't give you much skill as wushu or any other "legit" mod would.]

[again its always fun to play fun mods ,but getting addicted to one of those mods isn't gonna help you when playing online or tourneys.]

[well yes,but what are those attributes that you have?]

[i think you should always save replays that even lack skill,so you can later-on go back to see what you did wrong and try to improve.]

[a variety of moves is always usefull. It's sort of "noobish" to use one move over-and-over and might give a bad look on our clan.]

K those were my ideas anyway i don't know if I have any word in this,but I just wanted to throw it in.

i prefer to just do it numbered, that's just how i like it. like an agenda:

1: uhh... it said only black belts, but ok!

2: and get myself pwned before i can make a great response to "the great double backflip overtuck kill"?

3: same reason, but i forgot to add lolnades (which i ACTUALLY SAW in a tourney as the mod. i still lost tho :|)

4: i am not very easily raged, so there's no way for people to force me out w/o banning/kicking me. i'm not easily happy (so no one can exactly "manipulate" me unless i want them too...). what else are you looking for?

5: umm... all of my moves lack skill, because all everyone wants is for someone to "jump over the enemie and grab them off the platform and throw them onto the ground" or "do a parkour mod and get all the way to uke" and i just don't care about what others think. anyways, do you WANT a ton of bad replays spamming up the list?

6: i know plenty of moves. it's just that i prefer to do a move i know will pwn all my opponents.

any other downpours of society you wanna rain on me?

@jessebean: i bet when you were a nub, you did the same things.
i need TC! plz help!
@jessebean: i bet when you were a nub, you did the same things.

actually they only clans ive ever applied for are marine force recon and DIAF and i got accepted into both
i think he means when u first started...
but meh
i am not sure what to say
havent seen him in game...
well i dont think
i would remember if i saw him and he was good.
but yeah
i am divided between no and yes
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
i am saying i am not sure weather you should be in or not..
ok wanna vs?? so i can see what u like??
ok type
/jo DIAF
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....