Originally Posted by phail View Post
wb guys whats been going on

I don't know. I'm lost. I don't have a home anymore. I've lost my clan-tag. I'm like a wandering spirit between heaven and hell.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
I feel the same way my brother but sigma can never be replaced

also if any sigma bros are on the toribash discord my name on there is buckleupbt hit me up
lead Sigma
Originally Posted by bands View Post
Hey phail how's it going man?

its good are how are you

bands for clan squad
lead Sigma
i'm good, life just cruising by while i'm on my spring break

bands for clan squad
Originally Posted by bands View Post
i'm good, life just cruising by while i'm on my spring break

bands for clan squad

I go on mine after tomorrow, so lucky you.
posting just in case toribash dies so my post is the last post in the thread
lead Sigma