Haven't listened to Hello Internet before, I'll check them out.

Also bro, have I got a treat for you. 'Dan Carlin's Hardcore History' is thought by many to be the best podcast ever, and it's all about history. There's a dozen episodes or so available for free, but you can torrent all his other episodes. He's done shows on republican Rome, The Punic Wars, Assyrians, The Persian Wars, the Mongols, WW1, the Eastern Front of WWII and heaps, heaps more. Sooooo many hours of expertly crafted content. You'll love it.

If you want a primer on him, then see the Joe Rogan podcast with him on it that I linked to earlier.
Also, he does a bi-monthly political podcast as well, called Common Sense, where he really goes into current events. I've linked Zelda to it before, I think. It's probably the wisest analysis of current events that you'll find anywhere.
Whenever you find time, yeah. What do you guys think - should I get a name change to Kai or Caesar OR just stick with Ele?

Also, member art. For everyone who hasn't got some art for their name on the DSC yet, tell Insane what sort of thing you'd like for it. Daed, you're doing your own, right? How's that coming along?
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I just created an event, please check it out!

Aye? I will

Also, guys; When are we going to do a normal tourney so you all can get into the swing of things? I can global for 5k, so whenever you plan on doing stuff, send me a pm or something.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I'm not sure when I'll give it a go, but I'll do one sometime this coming week. It's been a while, so I'll ask Daedalus for some guidance (Daed, can you send me a list of ingame commands I'll need and how tell me how I should set it all up?).

Then it again, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out by myself. If a 13yr old can do it, so can I.
Last edited by Ele; Feb 27, 2015 at 04:00 PM.