You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hey

Stranger: are you justin bieber?

You: No, im the guy that molests justin bieber.

You: Every thursday night at 8

Stranger: THANK GOD!

Stranger: samee

Stranger: except i take the 8:01 slot

Stranger: you seem to finish fast

You: O....well thats nice

You: yea yea, ive practiced

Stranger: i last longer so i get the remaining 59mins

You: Awww, lucky

Stranger: + a bonus on a good day

You: How many children do you rape weekly normaly?

Stranger: hmmmm....

Stranger: none

Stranger: just him/her

Stranger: you?

You: about 5-6

Stranger: ok, lovely

You: I keep them in my basment.

Stranger: im starting to think that we're having a serious conversation now

You: We are having a serious conversation, arent we?

Stranger: i use netting - keeps the flys out and it keeps them in place for action

You: I should try that

Stranger: does it sound like it?

You: Yes.

Stranger: soo pedo, are you m/f?

You: M of course, thats the only proper way to be a pedo

Stranger: well there goes my reputation

Stranger: and my hobby

You: Well, you could always get a sex change

Stranger: very true

You: You should ask justin bieber where he got his

Stranger: or i could just grow one...

Stranger: like justin bieber

Stranger: but i think he got his off ebay

You: I keep some in a pickle jar if you wanna borrow em

Stranger: awesome thanks dude

Stranger: sounds great


He tricked me D:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Howdy

Stranger: YO

You: whats up

Stranger: U

You: NO U

Stranger: U

You: NO UU

Stranger: U


Stranger: U

You: NO



Stranger: U R SO CUTE

You: NO U

Stranger: U


You: U

Stranger: U

You: NO U

Stranger: U


Stranger: U

You: NO U

Stranger: U


Stranger: U

You: U

Stranger: U

You: No, you.

Stranger: U

You: U

Stranger: U

You: NO U FOO'

Stranger: UFO?

You: YEA U

You: :l

You: Kay, its settled, i win.

Stranger: U

Stranger: U

Stranger: U LOST

You: uu

You: u

You: u

You: u

Stranger: I WON

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: u

You: uU

You: Bish

Stranger: YE

Stranger: ME

You: ME

Stranger: I WON


You: I WON

Stranger: NO

You: NO U

Stranger: YE
Last edited by PredatorC; May 3, 2010 at 05:44 PM.
Team America|7th Dan|