The reason why Nautilus doesn't really win any lane matchups is because he's super dependent on his W shield being up to win a trade, yet most top laners are good at dealing with the shield's size in early to mid game. His pushing isn't astounding. And he has no sustain.

Basically, Nautilus won't win lane because he plays well, but because his opponent plays poorly. There's a limit to what you can accomplish with his kit outside of some assistance from another player.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
So I should really consider getting Nautilus for top, jg, and support. What about against ranged top laners?

Is Annie still a safe pick for mid lane?

Quinn is still bullshit

She destroy Toplaners,

She destroy Junglers,

She destroy Midlaners,

She destroy ADC's.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Originally Posted by HawkeyeTFA View Post
Quinn is still bullshit

She destroy Toplaners,

She destroy Junglers,

She destroy Midlaners,

She destroy ADC's.

unless you have shit positioning and then you get fucked by toplaners
Originally Posted by Aiden View Post
unless you have shit positioning and then you get fucked by toplaners

True, or unless enemy toplaner is fucking Yasuo or Riven
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Originally Posted by Aiden View Post
you seem mad

Nope, i'm an OTP Yasuo, I'm used to buttfuck Quinn's and Riven's at the Toplane

Kind of a "Master yourself, master your enemy" Lee sin style

But honestly, even if she's behind, Quinn roaming ability with her new ult is total BS and is annoying af, she can casually walk to midlane, kill the enemy mid, come back top with one more kill than you.
Last edited by HawkeyeTFA; Dec 13, 2016 at 04:30 AM.
French Player, Old member of OFRO



so basically what i'll do is i'll rank up one rank and after that, focus on the other. First off, i'll escape bronze in solo/duo q and get to gold with Flex/
The best advice I can give a mid laner is to know where the enemy jungler is.

<font face=&quot></font>
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Sigh. I climbed out of b4 just barely. Lost 1 hour long game and won the next one hour game.
I just want silver damnit. Gimme it already.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
what landed you in bronze anyway ? LOL

i know for sure of what landed me in bronze, remember when i said i wanted to get perfect placements? i had a losing streak after that, got tilted, and 6 - 4. Thankfully it was only Bronze one and not lower. 23 LP atm.

Idk why i'm always the support when we 5 man premade, which basically made me a support main, but thresh is the only one i have high mastery points with.


this shit's hilarious

who drew this again?

1:13 of video

Last edited by Lust; Dec 14, 2016 at 06:00 AM.