Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
I'm confused, can anybody start wars or or just war master

Only leaders, co leaders and war masters, it makes war more balanced, because i know skilled players will start it.
Originally Posted by WrRrRrRrR View Post
g23 they are insta gib they suck ass
movment is good but you don't do replays on insta

Ummm excuse me look at the settings i only lowered the dm to 65 and if it was instagib i wouda broke uke up easyly and u saw i did not do so easy
Only combo 7 looks like instagib but u can look at the options
Last edited by G23; Aug 24, 2014 at 11:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
TeamG23 l TeamAkido l Team Teakyon l Team Ninjutsu l TeamVoC
Not being mean to Nitro or anything but they suck in wars, we Crooks beat them 12-2. It was so easy. So good luck in it.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Well, wars aren't everything. We still need to get better at a variety of mods like earthtk, wushu, lenshu3ng in order to compete with the top notch clans.
Don't Be Racist
Wrr, why the fuck you accepted war with Detail without any premission and even didnt end it -.- should i remove Co war premissions or what, its not first time i see something like this.

Meh, *breath in and out* at least, end wars when you accept them.
Last edited by DvSpl; Aug 24, 2014 at 11:42 PM.
Dv why u didnt accept the war to nitro i was looking foward to it -_______-
TeamG23 l TeamAkido l Team Teakyon l Team Ninjutsu l TeamVoC