Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
I think you lose pretty much all credibility when you say Vel fucking Koz has a trouble CSing. Like what, his entire kit lets you simultaneously poke AND CS...

I'm sorry I'm evidently not as amazing as you.
Alright, so what are some relatively safe champions in every role? All the champs I play are situational or cheese.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Alright, so what are some relatively safe champions in every role? All the champs I play are situational or cheese.

I've found if you can play him well enough nautilus can fill pretty much any role your team may need.

He's super tanky, really mobile, and can do fine sup, top, jungle, and I've seen him do well mid but I would advise against that unless you know what you're doing.

Even if you're behind you can isolate their carries with your ult or q into a root with your aa.
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Keep in mind Nautilus doesn't really have any winning matchups in any position outside of support. Your goal is to just go even in lane 99% of the time, since you're there for teamfights, not lane dominance or split push.
nyan :3
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I mean naut doesnt really lose a lane as long as the enemy isn't ranged right? I have a hard time seeing him lose against most ad melees that go top

Seems like if you start/rushfrozen fist against ad melees you have a huge power spike in burst post 6 and huge burst after. I really have a hard time seeing him lose lane that often, but maybe im over looking something or the people ive faced as him suck balls. Also 7th mastery naut from only playing him top/jungle so i feel like i know him well enough to understand
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Alright, so what are some relatively safe champions in every role? All the champs I play are situational or cheese.

Lux/xerath are pretty good mid imo. If you have a hard time with your opponent it's easy to play defensive and at a distance. Just save your stuns for ganks.

Adc is a hard role to have a safe pick, as the goAL for most is to be aggressive and get ahead of the other. Your better off finding what flavor of the month adcs there are and practice your last hitting/kiting.

For supports I recommend doing research on synergys and go from there.

Too lazy to do jg, and I don't know shit about top.
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
I mean naut doesnt really lose a lane as long as the enemy isn't ranged right? I have a hard time seeing him lose against most ad melees that go top

I'm a Fiora otp, and Naut is one of the few matchups that I can actually destroy.

But that's probably the exception to the rule because my W and the true damage are so good against him
Originally Posted by Zockinator View Post
I'm a Fiora otp, and Naut is one of the few matchups that I can actually destroy.

But that's probably the exception to the rule because my W and the true damage are so good against him

I always found that match up skill based at lower elos so I never thought about it much, but when playing against an honestly good fiora player i started to question it. Definitely not a matchup i bring if i see that lock in during rank anymore lol
So I should really consider getting Nautilus for top, jg, and support. What about against ranged top laners?

Is Annie still a safe pick for mid lane?
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
So I should really consider getting Nautilus for top, jg, and support. What about against ranged top laners?

Is Annie still a safe pick for mid lane?

You honestly are more likely to run into a melee champ, and if you get good enough at naut, you'll know how to counter your counters. Or alternatively, play safe and ask for ganks.

She's still a safe pick, from what I've seen.